This is such a click baity title. The extra point wouldn’t have won them the game anyway. They’d still only be up by one, and arizona’s field goal would’ve yielded the same result
Yeah this headline is weird; Arizona did indeed win after Hauschka missed the XP, but that just meant that Seattle lost 34-31 instead of 34-32.
This is a bad headline and worse take.
Who cares about the missed extra point? They lost by 3... it didn’t affect the outcome at all
Um, this makes no sense. The missed XP was not why they lost. The Cardinals scored a field goal to win the game.
Headline implies causation where there was none.
2017: You thought 2016 was shit?
We really are approaching the apocalypse and a DAL/NE Super Bowl, aren’t we?
Whenever it starts to look at you funny, give it food.
Please clap.
In typical Phil Jackson style his response was to buy Kiyan music lessons so someone in the house could “learn to play the fucking triangle.”
This feels extremely forced.
None of those guys has a guaranteed roster spot next season, given how badly they’ve performed all year, so I’m not sure they’d actively do something so stupid.
Yeah, petty should be able to read that “F U” from his linemen loud and clear.
Yeah, and the RB totally sidesteps Suh as well, they all seem to be working to make sure he gets leveled.
Man, Coach K is one terrible looking Santa.
Don’t worry, the CGI guys will put a more coordinated player over him in post-production.
That’s formal attire in Florida.