Luke my boy, don’t get so upset. It’s just like the song Mad that was recorded by my good friend Mickey Hart for his solo album Area Code 415 in 1974 but was never released,
Luke my boy, don’t get so upset. It’s just like the song Mad that was recorded by my good friend Mickey Hart for his solo album Area Code 415 in 1974 but was never released,
He’s wearing camouflage pants.
a buddy of mine showed me some of these fake 30 for 30s there pretty great
Always the Norse truthers...
Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.
If the loot boxes directly impact the gameplay experience, or your progress, I absolutely agree. I have no issue whatsoever if the loot boxes are just for cosmetic purpose.
Well lootboxes in Overwatch are just for skins, and they have no effect on the gameplay whatsoever other than cosmetic purpose. Technically you can play the game just fine without having any lootboxes. That’s a bit different in HotS I guess since you need to purchase your heroes (therefore directly impacting gameplay).
The stocking one is an all-time classic.
Don’t be a pussy, its a comedy and everybody knows it including the mainstream audience it will be aimed at. Your comment here has more potential to set gamer’s back 30 years than the movie will.
Hey, at least Grandma’s boy got the plight of being a developer pretty spot on. Also that movie is extremely funny.
But ... that would mean a number of quarterbacks were drafted ahead of him!
Woah woah woah. no way; source?
It’s one of those closely guarded secrets of the league, like how Antonio Gates used to play basketball.
He went to Harvard? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED?
Maybe Pettty will be good. After all, even the losers get lucky sometimes.
Kirk Cousin may have bet on himself, but Fitzpatrick, in true Harvard fashion, shorted his own stock before the season started, so he’s still the one coming out ahead.
i’m trying to figure out what non-podunk town anyone would care about some guy carrying a bucket. shit, i grew up in a podunk town and nobody woulda cared there either.
Not at all.