Up ye rebels indeed.
Up ye rebels indeed.
really? that's just....disappointing.
I kind of love this curly ginger guy. Also, I don't know about dove and it's beautiful people in their "regular people" campaigns, but at least theyre consistent. Also, there is some Good Hair in this commercial.
I never got the appeal of these programs and now that's reinforced tenfold. The whole of this malarkey looks so bloody boring. Recycled, manufactured drama. And yes, he does look like a shite kisser.
You don't know that. People have died for their freedoms for centuries. What's not worth it to you, might be worth it to someone else. In addition, im pretty sure most people, comedians, cartoonists, regular folk, have a point in saying whatever they're saying. Even if it's a bullshit point. Even if it doesn't match…
I'd be angry obviously, but I wouldn't shoot said person. It's a bit of an extreme reaction isn't it. Religion gets kicked because it's used as justification for a lot of shitty human behavior. If you're solid in your religion and not using it to justify violence against women, homophobia, murder of abortion…
I kind of want to touch his hair. Then wash my hands. Then steal those pants.
I had a job where I met her a few times. She was classy and badass and had that "don't even think about fucking with me" air about her. Great obit.
False equivalencies are logical fallacies and affect your argument street cred Let's stick with the issue at hand, shall we?
Doesn't everyone on these reality programmes "just want to be on tv"?
Alcohol was never a forbidden fruit to me since I had access as a kid and it wasn't a big deal. Is that what made me a relatively responsible drinker even as a judgment-lacking teenager? Not sure, but Just like anything, sex, drugs, whatever...when you make a big deal about it, people go nutty when they have access.
Amy Adams is the freaking business and pure dead gorgeous to boot. The today show is a deflating balloon of bored hosts intermixed with attempts to stay relevant with Carson Daly and the "orange room". The only semi saving grace is Lester Holt and I can catch him on dateline reruns,so......
Even though I'm exiled in greyland, I will be here many hours. Here's toasting to (hopefully) snark by Mark.
I don't even consider people like Adam sandler "actors", no matter the pay check. I really wouldn't consider him a "comedian" either. More like a man who gets paid to never outgrow his frat boy persona appealing to a new generation of university stoners.
Bleh. I miss the Madonna before she was blatantly trying too hard to remain badass. Which is sad because she was pretty bad ass. I didn't get past more than 30 seconds of this overproduced rubbish. I miss you "papa don't preach".
Well that's just all of the sad isn't it? I'm expecting a "love the sinner, hate the sin" quote within 5 minutes of episode one.
It's certainly epidemic......
Seconded. #formerlynotgreybutnowgreyforsomesillyreason
everything about this is fucked up. I just feel so sad for janay. And everyone that ever has been, is, or ever will be, in this situation. Sad because it's so unnecessary.
I wish I had this much time on my hands. Except no.