Redford Jefferson Madison III

Weakest episode so far. Just before the episode started I remarked how relieved I was that Jada Pinkett-Smith didn't try to do some tired 50's comic sexpot thing (a la Eartha Kitt) with Fish Mooney and as soon as it started, there it was, all purring and gurning. Not a good choice.

Voicing your nonsense opinions and not expecting people to tell you to go to hell *is* political correctness gone wrong.

I've lost a little respect for Oldman on this. In any of the situations, you have to consider the context of how the offensive comments were said and who was saying them. There is a clear difference between saying a word associated with some sort of denigration and actually having prejudicial beliefs.


I think it's because Snyder's Superman lacked any conviction. He didn't seem to have any opinions or thoughts either way and all the while, he was just being pulled left and right by everyone else's ambitions.

Probably all of the above. If I were WB's marketing team and wanted to seed a story to "organically" generate Batman/Superman buzz via an influential person, to give fan service and avoid the perception of being sold to by a multi-billion dollar production company, then I'd absolutely ask Kevin Smith to give the

I'd feel better about this if no money was exchanged.

Uhnnggh…okay that worked


…and Hannibal Buress. Put Ron Funches in Broad City.

There's so much great talent in this show, but it's mired by the off-putting sitcom format. It felt dated for that reason, not because the jokes weren't landing, they did, but because the canned laughter made me feel I was watching re-runs of some turn of the century half-hour multi-camera comedy and lessened the

Epix, eh? I would have happily paid $15 straight into your pocket to download the special from you, Patton. You've got the following to secure that return on investment. Remember, Comedy Minus Digital Accessibility Equals Torrent.

Trailers often ruin the impact of the moment for me, particularly any footage that comes from the third act of the movie. Comedy is particularly guilty of offering up some of the best moments of the film for a trailer (Anchorman 2 comes to mind), but oddly when that trailered moment hits in the theatres, people tend