
@dcartist: In theory, yes. But in the same way that the "enhanced pat down" would be considered sexual assault if performed by anyone else but the government, I'm sure the feds have immunity.

@Lassus: There's a difference between "moral outrage" over you being able to see other people naked and the actual injustice of being forced to allow other people to see you naked.

@lankist: Regardless of your Godwinning — yes, the original symbolism of Hitler would be irrelevant IF and only if he had faded into obscurity and had there were no popular conception of who the historical figure even was. Outside of the UK there is no popular concept of who Guy Fawkes was, and I would argue that

@lankist: The Guy Fawkes mask is used as a symbol of V, not of Fawkes himself. So the original symbolism of Guy Fawkes is irrelevant to it's modern Moore-inspired interpretation.

Better for Uwe to spin his wheels on an original crapfest than buy the rights to shit all over an established franchise of any sort.

@Rabid Penguin: Let's think about that for a moment... Mr. "Leonidas". Leonidas was played in 300 by Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler starred in Timeline with Michael Sheen. Michael Sheen portrayed Frost in Frost/Nixon, opposite Frank Langella. And of course, costarring Kevin Bacon as Jack Brennan.

If I was desperate to see a movie, I would have seen it in the

Ellis: Aw, MAN, that’s the Screamin’ Oak!

Still waiting for it to include WiMax support, then I'll switch over from Fresh.

@tylerstyle: You *kind of* have it on Android with VLC Stream & Convert...

@hawkeye18: It seems this took place in California, which has an age of consent of 18. So, it doesn't particularly matter what other states legislate, she is off limits in her home state.

@Tonicboy: He's not homeless in the same way that Roma (gypsies) as a people are not homeless. They are nomads.

Hobo (possibly of the trustafarian variety) — not homeless.

@I-Herd-Nerfs: He sounds more than a bit like a trustafarian.

@hurbieta: He says he gets money from writing and ads.

@ShaynaLK: Hot water (in particular, the shower) is a Promethean gift stolen from Olympus itself.

@theGigaflop: Well, let us know when you go Galt and form your own Objectivist utopia where you never have to worry about leeches or looters. Be sure to write!