
Finally, some sanity in the anti-circumvention interpretation. We'll see what happens on appeal, but at least there's now some reasonable precedent.

@Goof_Troop: What happened is that the good little children became adults and got MBAs.

I don't have an iPad, but I do love these cases. I'm a sucker for artistic messenger bags.

@Thundergamer: "Lack access" includes "not available". Believe it or not, every inhabited area of the country isn't wired for broadband.

@Dartimous: 4mbps is still a better definition to work with than 200kbps. At the very least, the ISPs penetration rates will drop and the case can be made to Congress that the ISPs aren't doing enough to make broadband available, especially in light of all the federal dollars they begged for.

@Matt Lyons: This is a matter of advertising. ISPs cannot market a service as "broadband" unless it meets the FCC definition of that service. If you choose not to have broadband service, that's still your choice to make.

@midwestkel: Basically, yes. I'd say it will just be relabeled by the ISPs, and the non-tech-savvy won't pay attention.

"Comments with little more than LOL, LMAO, THIS, tl;dr, or equivalent"

@nwoolls: Was trying to do something that would tie tighter with Google Reader. I didn't really like their Send To idea.

What tools does everyone use for integrating with Evernote, besides the website and desktop app themselves?

@MasterChi!?!: General use (including intense applications such as DirectX gaming, video editing, etc) will be fine.

@eryk81: Security through obscurity is a sham. What is encrypted and who is encrypting it is irrelevant; as long as a user employs strong passphrases/keyfiles that they do not share with anyone, then they are protected.

"Prozium - The great nepenthe. Opiate of our masses. Glue of our great society. Salve and salvation, it has delivered us from pathos, from sorrow, the deepest chasms of melancholy and hate. With it, we anesthetize grief, annihilate jealousy, obliterate rage. Those sister impulses towards joy, love, and elation are

"In fact, I found a lot of its results downright frustrating, and it's mission, illustrated below as transforming emotional human beings into mildly contented automatons, is downright terrifying.".

What if I only want to watch a complete and total massacre?

@operator207: I do this for my portable workspace. There are some basic tools in the "outside" portion of the thumb drive, but all my documents and files (including KeyPass databases) that I need sit safely inside the TrueCrypt portion.