
@faust: Do what you gotta do. It's a free country.

@faust: I used NoScript. I used ABP. When NoScript tried to screw ABP over (and by extension, personally screw me over since I used ABP), I uninstalled NoScript. Pretty straightforward.

I've switched from Google as my main search engine to Scroogle ([]) and Duck Duck Go ([]) to at least partially limit just how much data I hand over to the G-men.

@ottah: Allowing full, unchallenged cross-site scripting is rarely a good idea for safe browsing. Just because they're it's only supposed to be used for ads on your favorite site doesn't guarantee that they are.

@Prairie Moon: NoScript can't be trusted in my opinion, after the hijinks they pulled with intentionally and maliciously crippling AdBlock+ because ABP was (shockingly, I know) blocking the ads on NoScript's home/download/update pages.

@shkm: Seconded.