It looks like it was filmed with a quad-copter hovering. I woulda flinched like crazy when that truck exploded, if I was holding a camera.
It looks like it was filmed with a quad-copter hovering. I woulda flinched like crazy when that truck exploded, if I was holding a camera.
I don’t remember Foose being there, but it is possible. I was there with the LSDC club too. This is Brent in the Omni GLH. Sold that a while back to Shawn though. I sure miss that car.
I was right behind you in line! Not sure if I recognized Barris at the time either.
Old Gold in Old Town Florida.
9.) Oldsmobile Cutlass 422
I'd say just generally avoid Greyhound travel in Florida. Or just avoid Florida. Fuck the bus."