redeyerenegade I the only one here kind of already sick of hearing people saying they’re sorry to hear about Orlando? In politics, every politician repeats the same sentiments, you hear it like 100 times a day if you listen to live tv or facebook. I play video games to try and escape how shitty the world can be. Just because

Not to mention the people out there that could afford a PC, but frankly even though they could figure it out...just are sick and tired of dealing with setup, tweaking things, and all of the other “maintenance” needed to play a game on PC.

He was not belittling you. He was sharing his experience and giving advice. He was blunt, but not even in an impolite way. And your response? “Fuck you.”

Ha! Its called a spectrum disorder, hence wide spectrum and not one size fits all. Not everyone with autism is temple grandin or rain man.

Hell yes i will, because in case you havent noticed this kind of parenting is creating generations of emotionally unstable people.

As a kid, middle class, loving parents, safest county in america, three car accidents, including going through the windshield, hit by a car, foot stuck in gears of bicycle, cuticle shaved off, attacked by dog and a cat, hit by a friend on a bicycle at 30mph miles from home and rescued my hypoglycemic step father. My

Your story was a little 90s pbs

Yeah dude, thats called life. And they never learn if they are held the whole way. Scarry fact, its dangerous growing up, and we can all remember moments we were seconds or inches away from dying. Thatll happen to our kids, and you can prepare them, and yourself, for that or not. Either way, wont stop it from

Dude, as a 7 year old i strolled in at 9pm and my mom glanced up from doing the dishes and said, you almost had me worried. As a 3 year old i disapeared at sesame place for over an hour and when they found me in the samd box i told them i wasnt lost, i knew exactly where i was. Am i like that with my daughter? No. But