
For the past few years, it has. Very small, usually in the upper left corner.
(Apologies for the reflections)

So its just the current logo with “Comics” next to it? Ok... I don’t see the problem here? It seems like a total non-news.

So a rob Liefeld creation?

I guess they felt the need to distinguish the MARVEL COMICS from the MARVEL SUPPOSITORY PRODUCTS division.

Honestly, I like that logo. It’s distinct, clear, and gets across a certain fun that you can expect from the products. I prefer it to the white letters on red background “MARVEL” logo that followed it, though that in turn is better than this corporate synergy nonsense.

Sure, but that one at least tickles the nostalgia and has some color and character.

Hah! How does it feel when shoe’s on the other foot?

Now playing

This just looks (and sounds) like an animated version of the Snyder movie. Why go for a generic style phone game when Gibbons’ art already looked like animation?


There are people who absolutely love the prequels. They were kids when they came out and so the prequel era is drenched in nostalgia.

This barely played theatrically outside of arthouse cinemas anyhow. A lot of those theatres only have one or two screens so they’ll move on to the next movie more out of necessity than anything else.

But I don’t have Apple TV...but Rashida Jones...but I don’t want to pay for another service...but Rashida Jones and a ROBOT!!! CRAP

Sunny premieres June 10, 2024 Apple TV+.

In Return of the Jedi, as I remember it, the real moral danger is not killing Palpatine, it’s killing Vader. Luke is convinced there is good in him still and that he can bring Anakin back. He believes in choosing the harder path, redemption, over the easier path, execution, despite everyone else being highly

Joseph Campbell was a bigoted fraud and the quicker pop culture abandons the monomyth the better.

“The Jedi have not outlawed anything. The Republic has, however, and the planet they are on is outside Republic jurisdiction. It’s a stupid set up.”

this is the text of the films

You are confusing “having a moral” with “morality.” The Force is amoral. That’s why the Dark Side can use it. That’s why it HAS a Dark Side. The *story* that Lucas was telling *has* a moral. But that doesn’t make the Force an allegory for morality. The Force isn’t an allegory at all. The Force is symbolic for *power*.

I really hoped this would live up. As someone who has battled anxiety and depression, the first movie spoke to me so well, and I would hope this could do justice to its wit and insight. From everything I heard so far, it has.

Here’s hoping that Salma as the lesbian taco is a surprise returning character they’re keeping under wraps for now. Foul-mouthed Salma Hayek is my favorite Salma Hayek.