
Is it wrong that I’m really looking forward to this? I’ll have 6 hours of content that will look great, but won’t make a bit of sense so there is no requirement for me to pay attention.

I’ll be able to get some solid weekend project coding done that day while leaving them on in the background

Why are they changing the titles? Is it just to fool into thinking into these are new instalments altogether? That’s kinda scummy.

Rebel Moon does not need more violence/gore or sex to be better.

offer “viciously sexier, bloodier” interpretations of the original films

Related to those last two items, when was the last time some actor, writer, or director said “ya know, this next season is fine. It’s maybe not as crazy, shocking, emotional, or funny as the last three, but it’s pretty good I guess.”

It hasn’t held up as well as Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles, but it is still amusing.

Now playing

The kid in me that watched it will never tire of it, but the adult me would inevitably be disappointed by a sequel trying to be anything like it, or something completely different.

On m first viewing I thought Spaceballs was one of the funniest movies I had ever watched. Subsequent viewings have been disappointing. Based on that I’m not sure I’m keen on another.

Benedict Cumberbatch was totally not going to be playing Khan, either.

Yeah, and Andrew Garfield said he wasn’t in No Way Home.

Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

The game I’m most excited for that I’ll never play bc I don’t have an Xbox or PC.

Way to miss the point, which is that the TV show is an adaptation of the comic, not a straight conversion. There are many other changes from the comic, but this particular one is the ONLY one you’re getting all caught up on, which is super telling quite frankly.

Username checks out. 

Have you...have you ever actually read anything Ennis has written?

The silver lining here is that the evil you support will scorch you, eventually. It's just a shame that innocent people will be jeopardized by your evil.

Hey Cunt, look into who Garth Ennis actually is, and what his views on fascism and related topics are.

These are the same people that think cops sporting Punisher logos is totally cool.

Yeah, it was as subtle as a brick to the face. And it needed to be, because the people it is talking to, the idiot anti-wokers, are thicker than shite in the neck of a bottle. 

Well look at who it is thats getting upset. Not exactly the swiftest bunch.