I like the verses on Dreamer. I know they’re not technically amazing or even great but they still work and are memorable for their repetitiveness.
I like the verses on Dreamer. I know they’re not technically amazing or even great but they still work and are memorable for their repetitiveness.
I hope Kid Cudi’s character doesn’t die...but I’m like 90% sure he will lol smh probably first too
Me and my partner were pleasantly surprised by this show. Glad it’s back, but yeah, I forgot most of this stuff lol.
Man, I forgot about that 3D hype lol you’re right about that, that was a scam for the most part.
Yeah, I’d rather them give a reason for the price raises and make it more uniformed and clear what you’re paying for and why. As a consumer who wants to consume this stuff, it’s frustrating and feels like they’re just taking advantage. A couple bucks isn’t a big deal for most, but still.
That’s true about the demand and the matinee type of stuff.
I mean, they called it an “experiment” for a reason. They’re testing it out to see if it makes them more money. Looks like it will, so good for them. I love the theater and I never want them to go away so I support them when I can. But I think it’s kinda shady to do that in this weird pandemic time where some want to…
I’ve had great theater experiences with movies I didn’t even want to see that weren’t even big-budget studio films. With that logic, they should have charged us more upon exiting the theater because we ended up liking it more. Or charged more for every showing after they realized people had a great time.
If they just wanted to raise prices in general, that would suck but prices for everything are going up so that’s to be expected.
I think it’s because they only do it for specific movies that they know a lot of people are going to go see. That is kinda shady, imo. If it was a price raise for admission to the theater in general, that would be different.
Those triangular nodes look like diamonds to me lol
Egel Snortal
Can’t wait! Didn’t know much about the show before I watched but it is great. So beautifully shot and weird in a good way. Excited to see more and where it all ends up.
Red Dead Redemption (1&2) and GTA are both pinnacles of gaming, for sure. I still believe RDR2 is the most immersive open-world I’ve ever played. The graphics and animation and everything come together so well. But, I haven’t even finished it. Open-world fatigue, on my end.
Burnout and Midnight Club were the first racing games I fell in love with (besides Mario Kart and those kind of racers and F-Zero, at least). Would love a new one but Rockstar has actually been trash. They just seem too money hungry to care about what players want.
I want more tight, focused campaigns with great pacing and variety, like Titanfall 2. I’m pretty tired of open-world, 100+ hour stuff. I’m someone who wants to check off everything on the map and in the quest-book but most of the time it ends up being tedious, repetitive and boring. I need to work on just going…
Same, I love that “story within a story but the story is clearly BS” stuff lol.
Why isn’t the Forspoken trailer on here? That game keeps looking more and more interesting to me.
Sheesh, I’m glad I didn’t start this yesterday like I planned to.