Tim Larson

You’re clearly still not understanding and want to push the “you’re racist” bullshit card.

I agree with that 100% and it is bullshit. But being forced to hire people of a different race or gender just because of diversity isn’t the right way to go about it either

I never said it doesn’t exist. I know it does. Yet another person taking it out of context.

It’s not racist though, try reading comprehension. You hire the best candidate for the job, period. Color/gender/ethnicity doesn’t matter. Hiring only BECAUSE of color/rage/gender IS wrong.

I think they best method would be to add meat. Chicken, beef, sausage, fish, lamb, venison (bambi for the unitiated), etc. would make a wonderful addition to a dish that’s supposed to taste like its made from meat.

Tipping culture needs to die in the US. Price the food accordingly.

I’ve yet to see a compelling, unified answer on how to handle poor service.

Statistics simply don’t bear out that police are shooting and killing blacks. Only ten unarmed black men were killed by cops last year and eight of them were running. That means we’re down to two questionable shootings last year. Two. 

You have got to be kidding me... -.-

You imagine the backlash if someone launched a “buy white” campaign??

I just support places that make food I like. I don’t really acre about the race of the owner.

This article definitely wasn’t written by someone who lives in the Midwest. The tarp and socks idea are terrible and will cause more harm than good.

Was thinking the same thing. Coming from eastern Canada where we regularly get 5-10 cm of snow every few days and have huge snowstorms of 30+ cm most of this advice would actually cause harm.

I beg to differ. Cooking spray lasts for all of 45 seconds when shoveling, and its only useful if the snow is the wet and sticky variety. Snow sticking to a shovel isn’t a huge concern, you can usually just tap the shovel on the ground and, voila.... clean shovel.

Putting down a tarp is useless - you’ll either lose it