

excellent point about the riot act.

@Black-eyed angel @hvrock

first of all i hit the reply button, its not my fault the site still doesnt work properly.

@BLACK-EYED ANGEL(so he knows i'm speaking to him/her)

i've basically ignored all teh articles on this one and just let it be.

i agree with you but i still think it was romantic.

see now that's newsworthy!

dear barmishmar, just because ppl were wearing hockey jerseys doesnt make it a hockey riot. you are way over-simplifying things.

read my response to the other commenter.

ppl purposely brought cars into the DT core in order to be torched. the ppl who started the riot knew what they were doing. not sure how you identify ppl in masks or gas-masks for that matter???

thank you.

I was born and raised in Vancouver. I fucking hate cops but what i hate more is low-lifes trashing my city. I was DT for the game and witnessed the first windows being smashed by teenagers (i have nothing against teenagers) for fun. I'm a photographer as well and had my gear with me and snapped off a bunch of pictures

fuck you.

if the riot started in the stadium then that WOULD be a hockey riot. some individuals drove cars DT in order to be flipped and torched. as well, these ppl showed up with gas masks knowing exactly what they were inciting.

1. it was not a hockey riot.

B-Lam! its been a slice, wish you all the best in your future adventures!

damn. i wanna get my hands on one of those.

Cool link Jack. cannot wait to see the rest. quite a remarkable collection.

i love all motion at 1000fps.