
how were the results?

the further the flash is from the lens helps to reduce red-eye in pictures. not sure if this is a reason but could be. also could be a space thing in cramming the guts into the casing nicely.

ya i think i may be getting a MBP next year. it will be my first mac.

i have a windows pc. winxp pro. its great.

this scene was amazingly hillarious.

I had a 10 yr old kid come up to me today telling me how the USA was cheering the death of bin laden. I reminded him that not all Americans are cheering his death but unfortunately some are. I was happily surprised that this young kid knew that this behavior was inherently wrong and that killing should never be

yes but only if you're hacking through bones with a butcher knife.

yes, this is exactly what i wanted to say but i dont have quite the literary talent as Dr. King.

so in hundreds\thousands of years we have barely progressed and are still savages at heart. gotcha.

"You're being overly simplistic about this."

i agree with you on this. i understand why people are happy about his killing but to parade around, chanting and cheering, as has been going on since the announcement was made really makes me wonder about what society has become.

he likely already had his iPad out, we all know how boring Obama's speeches are.

this is ridiculous.

why is it creepy? this implies there is an underlying issue with your point of view. in case you havent realized there are cameras everywhere these days, basically one in every cellphone carrying person's pocket. if i stand on a street with my iphone taking pics do you get creeped out still? what if i try to get a

i was wondering the same.

yup i know the feeling. my cats, especially the tabby, is constantly in search of attention. i let them sleep on my bed so if i do by chance lock them out i never hear the end of it.

hahaha, that would aggravate me because by not clicking the door shut she is inherently inviting them in. i go thru the same type of situation with my cats.

oh, i was thinking less banks and more mattress' and couch cushions.

when i first heard this story i was ready to hit the beaches. then i read on and it said Japanese shores. you can imagine my disappointment. now what am i going to do with all this C4?

she's gone? i'm gonna miss the stories but hopefully you have a memory bank full of them.