
and he's pooping in a diaper.

i would lose screws.

i do not concur.

Sony lost its way a long time ago. they basically gave away their television market share. i dont think it will ever become what it once was.

rather cleavage wrinkles than boobs pointing outwards.

agree with your point about the mouse.

if i were rich i'd buy it just so i could hang out in an underwater lair. curses smurses!

For those who dont want a crappy diy...

40 minute exposure, Front Loader wins in my book. All valiant efforts.

At least our clock worked. I mean cmon it's just a clock.

I've never seen a zune in stores. I'll keep my eyes out for some though as I've always heard good things about the zune hd. Maybe I can get it on the cheap. It's a shame really that they didn't sell them in Canada.

when the buildings started going, my jaw dropped. so sad.

I like yours better.

This is simply a reason to make a post about Biggie on the anniversary of his death, and you know what, I'm ok with that. I suppose if he didn't throw the gadget part in there everyone would say "how is this gadget-related?"

the correlation between a few mentions of cell phones and pagers to BIG being a gadget user is a stretch imo. by your logic everyone is basically a gadget user.

this is cool, i'd buy it. although i do have a similar picture frame that is black and i might fix up a diy version.

I hate to wish bad shit upon ppl but "die facebook die".

cant wait until its 'finished'. ipad is too much of a toy for me and this is more up my alley i think, besides i really dont like iOS very much.

omg, that's my neighbour!

i suppose we're going to see a lot of macro shots in this challenge. perhaps i should bust out my reverse ring macro rig.