
apple no. starcraft yes. lol.

hope he has an eminem track with venus doing the hook.

@Future Retro: ditto. I don't have an ipad but if I did I would so buy this.

wow. they mean business.

i've always been worried about hurting my sensor, say i am shooting into the sun. never had a problem myself but have seen some melted sensors on other forums. now i know that lasers all the end all of sensor borking.

dude, thats every red sox fan.

@Zubieta: I know, how cool would that be! For my gf's birthday I'm taking her ziplining at the local mountain. I found a course that actually allows you to zipline next to your friend/partner.

wow. glad the pilots gonna be alright. too bad about the jet i suppose. great photos!

i guess we'll know ourselves in say 30-40yrs.

great review Jason. i cant wait to try one so i can experience this blade-less sensation you speak of.

@butaneko: i've never considered it myself. however now i keep thinking of my gf and her long hair! kinda worries me now.

@EBone: wait... can you? can we have the beachball get sucked thru the rim, cuz thats all kinds of awesome right there.

I was hoping it was a giant slide. Still cool though.

Gratz Jason! Will be sure to vote for you.

AHHHH. Darth Vader wielding a gun. SACRILEGE!!!!!!!!!

@turbo steve: ahhh. Good heads up. I haven't watched the video yet as I'm basically Giz'n from my phone.

I wonder if I can turn my friends swimming pool into a giant glowing ooze. Might need a few barrels of chemicals but it would be epic.

The "slow news day?" one really irks me.

This article should be reposted every few months because suckers are born everyday. Oh and pricier socks means thicker socks, usually. Thick socks feel so snug on feets!