
This is a tough situation to be in especially when a cop tells you in a not nice tone to quit it. My advice, never argue with a cop, it gets you nowhere. Instead show them you are reasonable and politely state that you don't want to do anything illegal and are aware that you are within your rights to photograph on

Can it run W7?

It's nice to have options. Can't wait to try them out.

Wonder what the max range is? It'd be fun to carve my name into the moon for all to see!

My 360 looks nothing like that.

Sounds like the latest victim of /b/

Unless it can carve it up I'll stick to a plastic bag, I mean Eco-friendly reuseable bag.

Why would I want to smell the pee of every person who used it before me? We have water saver urinals at my work and the smell is...well...bad enough to put you in a pissy mood.

i am so jealous that i wont get to enjoy this in person.

I want a girl with extensions in her hair, bamboo earrings, at least two pair.

@iansilv: you're right. I've said it before that apple is the Britney spears of the tech world.

It's part of the plan. They changed how we interact with our phones forever and now they will

totally seen it before i read the title.

My dream of having bionic eyes that allow me to have super sharp vision across various focal lengths is closer to fruitition.

This is cool. I might give it a go. Think the gf would mind if I use her twilight trilogy to make a few of them?

@—Tito—: me too. except i would do it much faster. that 70-200 and body were under for a bit.

Free bird FTW!

I understand this product is conceptual but there are simple dslr condoms that are readily available that work well without much hassle. Therefore I don't really see a use for this concept. Keep it simple.