
It didn’t help the Pontiac Vibe

This mentality is one of the reasons Saab died.

It also sucks that you can get duplicate unlocks FROM THE SAME BOX! This happened to me just last night with two Tracer voice lines! Seriously, the game is fun as-is, but this loot box system feels mostly like a completely tacked on cash-grab.

They should put in a coin drop amount for every game, something trivial, 5-10 for a loss and 15-20 for a win.

Now playing

RE voice lines: there’s one, and only one, that I unlocked with my all-too-infrequent credits: Mei saying “Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry” in that adorable tiny voice.

Everything I've read about ME: C makes me think that it's really just ME all over again, which I'm really okay with. I will, however, wait until the CE drops in price to purchase this. Like the first game, this should plummet in price fairly early on.

So it has all the same pros and cons of the first then essentially?

If Tracer(s) giving your team problems, try Winston; His gun is short range & low damage but auto locking. He himself is a tank and can chase characters like Tracer, Genji or Widowmaker down easily with his short cooldown time rocket jump.

The hit boxes would be less of a problem if the tick rate was better. I’ve seen kill cams where I was clearly beyond the range of even the hitboxes, and got sniped. I’ve seen kill cams where I magically warped back to their bullet despite having moved away from where they were shooting well before they even aimed.

It’s the Oddjob conundrum

This is something that was a huge issue in Timesplitters 2 or 3 (I forget which). One of my all-time favorite series, but playing as a monkey (short and fast) or a floating character with no legs gave you a significant advantage, because your hitbox was smaller, and in the case of floating characters, no legs meant

I understand the frustration, but this is a design choice based around character sizes. If the hitbox was based on the actual model, small skinny characters would have a tremendous advantage over large characters. By having a somewhat standardized hitbox, you eliminate that need to min/max party comp based on defense

“Look at these two having fun jumping over shit. Do they think they look cool? Fucking nerds. Glad I’m over here thinking about how much saddercooler than them I am.”

You want something RWD and with a personality instead?

That’s a sheep shot.

Something something Ram. Something something take her by the horns.

This is literally me right now

I’m in! Sooo much fun. Still some frustration at times but I commend Blizzard for creating a fun, easy to play, hard to master team FPS for all gamers.

I’m in my 30's and remember playing a Call of Duty game with my nephew and niece ages 11 and 9 at the time. They lit me the fuck up and that’s when I knew I was officially old. Little bastards.

Even though it’s skimming above the water, those shots of the red bull flying thingy totally make me hard for a new Hydro Thunder!