I’m enjoying it. They’ve singlehandedly left their filthy shitholes and destroyed entire countries and continents.
You have a very angry racist crying salty tears,
Did we take away Woody Allen’s Academy Awards? How about Harvey Weinstein’s awards? How about Bill Cosby’s Emmy’s, Grammy’s, and Golden Globe awards? I’m just saying there’s a lot more people that should be on this list if we’re going to be retroactively removing awards that were already earned. It’s not like anyone…
So, he’s going to - Bow Wowout?
I’ll see myself wowout right now wow.
It’s always been included with “thoughts and prayers”.
Yep. As always, that ish. Thhhaaaaattt’s whiteness.
Being a human piece of shit AND handicapped is different than being just handicapped. Fuck this dude.
“Lets see him walk a mile in the people shoes”
You know, my thinking on this has really evolved. I used to feel that, if they don’t want to wear a simple face mask, and they don’t trust a vaccine that is proving itself to be safe and effective every day its been out there, then let them die. Let Them. Die.
IMHO: purely to hit the prevailing RW media points, most GOP leadership in red and red leaning states happily engage sado-populism - poor white people need to defy a defined enemy and, preferably, openly inflict pain on that enemy.
Also, with the advent of the Delta variant, quite a number of ill-informed Joe housecoat sister-kissers are dying off at an expedient clip. I used to get frustrated at the idea of them not being vaccinated but then I saw that the focus of deaths and illness was on the great unwashed and un-vaxxed and suddenly didn’t…
I just want to say, with regard to that whole “I have Black friends” excuse that terrible white people use - even if it’s true, so fucking what? (It’s usually NOT true, but I digress). If you’re a white person who’s decent and not a shitbag, you SHOULD have some Black friends. If you don’t, that probably tells you…
Remember an Ashleigh can also be a Hannah, Breleigh, Camryon or Stefanie. They also joined a white sorority but dated lots of black guys so they cannot be racist. I feel that the full impact of Karenology needs to be a college course. We could call it Critical Bitch Theory: How to use Yoga Pants, Pumpkin Spice and…
The GQP has gone all-in with their racist demagoguery and white supremacy since they’re all adherents of King Leer’s most recent book “How To Lose Elections And Still Be A Winner.”
That’s the thing that really gets to me. Democratic Party is tearing itself apart because they’re fighting over actual policy - many with paper thin differences between them with die-hards actually calling people fat money whores... but Republican Party people can ride or die with the sheer power of white Christian…
This is SOOOO awesome. I hope every time these shit stains are in public, this is the response. Whistles, bands, screams of “Pedophile!” Awesome!
Frankly, I'm in agreement with the other interpretation too. Let those anti-vax bucktooth backwater inbred rednecks die - and COVID-19 is going to do all the work for us. All we have to do is sit back and wait...
Is that Diamond and Silk’s nephew, B. Dazzle?