Chris A.

#1. I don't think it's possible to make stretchy-powers NOT look stupid in live action.
#2. Why does Doom continue to be hijacked along with the Four every time they get created?
#3. PANTS. Give that big orange oaf a damn pair of shorts.

Yeah, which brain cells ARE the ones that die?? Obviously the ones we probably need!

I wonder what B.o.B. thinks about that magic little box in his hand that lets him talk with people all around this flat earth. Or how the wonderful musical equipment he uses with all those buttons and knobs and dials works. Maybe they're all powered by positive thinking and lightning bolts from space.

This show could be good if they didn't use every cliché in the book, and also misunderstand them. Maybe she really knows that he's not the killer, and is playing some long game, but when would a lead detective take a child-killer suspect to the murder location out in the woods by themselves?