
A huge blow to the Chevy Cringle. 

She posted this shit using an Instagram account with her name and picture front and centre? Behold, the master race. 

Looks like the experts were right when they said Hunt would never play another meaningful game in the NFL.

Your queso looks perfectly lovely and tasty. Her queso looks like it is the painting of Dorian Gray’s queso. 

Marie Sharp’s Habanero Pepper hot sauce out there. It has great spice while also having a deeper flavor than most hot sauces, which comes from the use of carrots and onion - besides just the typical pepper, vinegar and spice combination.

Marie Sharp’s Habanero Pepper hot sauce out there. It has great spice while also having a deeper flavor

It’s interesting to note that the secretary of the Big Beautiful Women Alcoholics Anonymous organization seems to be a man.

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

In Soviet Russia, Hard Times falls on you!

Obsessed stalkers are the worst. To all the stalkers out there, keep it casual, don't be all weird about it.

I dunno man, he's never had sex before.  I wouldn't think they'd go straight to anal.  I'll say 6 months

Shut the fuck up.

I’ve been waiting for this Nuggets team for my entire life. They’re SO fun, even when they’re all beat to shit. 

prescriptivist-ass comment up in here

FUN FACT: Oat milk comes from Wilford Brimley’s tits


next week, direct snap to Hicks

“Hand of Dog” as it’s known in Argentina

Does anyone else remember doing flips off the swings as a kid? We’d get as high as we could, and then just lean backwards off during the upward swing. It was impossible not to land on your feet doing this as a ten year old.

Now if I tried to do that I would for sure break my neck.