
Hey have you thought about relaxing and not being weird about video games online?

Dust: An Elysian Tail is one that I think has its adoring fans, I just don’t think there’s enough of us.

Lady Maria from Bloodborne. Just thinking about the intro scene and the music gives me chills. It’s just such an amazing fight. It’s not a terribly difficult fight by the Bloodborne DLC standards, and Bloodborne’s battles against non-monster bosses tend to be a little underwhelming, but everything about that fight is

Trypophobia is made-up internet meme, like hating the word “moist” or having strong feelings about pineapple on pizza.

This is the best ps+ month in history!

Venture Bros. is better than Rick and Morty!

So much for his stealth run.

I honestly don’t get this obsession with frame rate, I mean obviously is awful when it drop to choppy pace an stable 30 fps seems good to me, and I’m aware it could be better; and maybe because this kind of discussion wasn’t around the console scene (I’ve always been, and will be, most likely, a console player) but

Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.

Revenge is a Darvish best served cold.

I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped. 

They most certainly have that right.

Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.

His son could tell you that unhealthy scratches are worse.

Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.”

Also, he’s a rapist.

Champ is not just a hall of famer, but one of the all-time greats. My dad had season tickets throughout his tenure in Denver, so I was able to see him play quite in person quite a few times (the 104 yard pick 6 being probably the best play I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing in person and probably the loudest I’ve

Reading this article is probably the happiest I’ll be during this Lions season. Imagine being the fan of a franchise and the happiest you know you’ll be during the entire football season is reading a Drew Magary piece in freakin’ July.

Joule thief!

Fuck, just in time for the release of the new Ford Bronco.