
What, you harbor ignorant racist beliefs? Some “progressive” you are.

Not really. The data is very likely to be even more incomplete when you go back that far (before mass media). If you confine the data to recent memory, whites are not overrepresented in this category. It’s Asians who are over represented, but you don’t have the leftwing media attacking this concept of “Asian

His mother is not an aborigine. She has been identified as black (which denotes African in the USA).

I didn’t post any pasted images, idiot. Don’t need to since one look at Harper’s black face is all the proof I need of his blackness. I don’t need to point to his dating profile to know that he’s black.

More like STFU wth your nonsense about an obviously black man trying to pull a Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King for no apparent reason. Mercer wasn’t a black victimhood fetishist like Dolezel and King, was he? If you note, both of those white clowns pretend to be black because they enjoy seeing themselves as the victim of

And Rachel Dolezal never looked black (despite all her attempts to make herself look black). She only fooled idiots like you. Just as Shaun King continues to fool idiots like you.


Nope. Your data covers shootings that go back to the 1960s when whites were 80% of the population. Only recently have whites become 60% of the population. Sorry to burst your hate bubble.

His mother has been identified as black by major media outlets. He looks black in his photos.

Combined, none compare in death toll to what happened in Tunisia this year to British Christian tourists (they were asked to state thier religions before being killed).

In the 2000s, it’s true.

In the 2000s, yes.

Actually his black mom is the one who raised him and sheltered him from the world. She also bragged about his gun collection to her friends — weapons that she likely bought for him.

He came from a black mother, like you.

Ejaculation has an abundance of DNA, just like blood. If the alleged rape was completed without a condom, his DNA would have been found.

Stop lynching me.

Recently there was a cop in Oklahoma who was accused of doing the same thing that the caliph was.

You mean the armed black people who have been killed by cops defending themselves or others (which make up the vast majority of those killed by cops)? Or the 12 black people that have been killed by white cops in acts that MAY have been murder or manslaughter?

Haha yeah I’m sure you know better than the PhDs across the country who have obtained consistent results over the past decade.

Labratory studies like that are bullshit. It’s junk science. The same type of “science” has been used by the right to “prove” that watching porn causes men to rape. Go read Neil Malamuth.