

Is this guy’s lawyer being paid by the NRA for this shit?

It’s a deep seated self-rationalization that The Lord wants them to have these “gifts” as a reward for the good works they do and their feality, worship and evangelism. They seem to conveniently overlook the fact that they transgress the seven deadly sins and abut half of the Ten Commandments every single day.

These people legitimately think they’re fighting a holy war, it’s disturbing as hell.

Thoughts and prayers, Roy.

If being against pedophiles makes me in league with the devil then

I guess he and his family have looted all the money from that fake charity they allegedly run. The whole family is full of con artists. They run a sham nonprofit called the Foundation for Moral Law. The organization collected a $1 million in donations that they conveniently forgot to report to the IRS. The whole

They might as well go with crossbreeding the species at this point. 3 individuals does not a viable gene pool make. The inbreeding required to keep a 100% northern white rhino line going (even if Ol Pejeta gets it up) would make West Virginia blush.

I’m kind of laughing at the idea that because your mouth tastes fine it smells fine. That is not usually the case.

Ew. I brush my teeth first thing in the morning. I hate the taste of morning breath with my juice and whatever I end up eating. And then I brush my teeth again after eating. I floss every night—floss, brush, then mouthwash. My dentist says I’m doing a great job.

I hope she wins all the dollars, and I don’t even care what she does with them. Buy herself in a house in Barbados, donate it to charity, light it on fire, don’t care.

Agreed on tougher repercussions for US Gymnastics. I would let US gymnasts compete under the Olympic flag because it would be unfair for the gymnasts themselves to be forced to sit out the Olympics after training so long and so hard for it. But no team USA, no American anthem, etc...

They saw the abuse and they tried to gaslight them, fuck them.

Good...burn that institution to the ground. I say bury U.S. gymnastics altogether for a couple of years, clear the slate, start over from scratch. Maybe take a hiatus from the next summer olympics out of respect for the many, many ladies lives Nassar disrupted with the help of the USOC.

But she taught the whole hood how to spell B.A.N.A.N.A.S. tho

I think it is also more of a racist slur about Indigenous people’s bodies. I’ve heard it before from ignorant Anglos who don’t understand the diversity of Latin America, or even the USA. Latin women are apparently supposed to look like Salma Hayek from Dusk ‘til Dawn and AmerIndians are supposed to look like Disney’s

As n Australian, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. We should have tried harder to keep her contained to the island.

Can’t wait for her upcoming K-Pop phase.

It’s a fucked up criticism of women who don’t have smaller wastes, who don’t fit the European ideal womanly body. That coming from a woman who has filled several punch cards at her discount cosmetic surgeon’s office.

In one tweet she wrote that Mexican women “got the box body on lock,” while in another she asked, “Is it wrong I feel happy to hear southern accents again & not mexican ones?”