
Obesity is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Poor diet is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Lack of exercise is a risk factor of poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health.

Petty vindictiveness because I don’t have pity for a bunch of white dudes who have had nearly everything handed to them, are FINALLY having to truly consider how their actions and words impact others?

Hey Jezzies! Craft Thread! If I can get kinja to cooperate.

Here’s a hint: just don’t fucking assault people.

There’s no way. He went from inappropriate hostility to straight on hate-fueled rage. This is someone who will one day flip and murder someone.

It manages to tell you everything you need to know about him. I’m willing to bet money that is not the first woman he’s laid hands on.

Wahlberg is an obnoxious ass, but did the rest of the cast and crew agree to do the re shoots for free or just expenses? Because otherwise it seems like the studio, the production and the agency that both Wahlberg and Williams share seem much more at fault than he.

It’s only full racist if you own slaves.

Normal response to customer not leaving store: call police.

I’m sure it’s FAR more my fault in being reactionary. It’s also.... I think for a lot of dudes it’s the old cliche of “men want to solve problems”. So we get frustrated by a situation that not only is the fault of our gender but doesn’t have a clear solution. Some dummy defensiveness is bound to happen.

Fair. Probably an overreaction on my part.

I have definitely used some version of “welcome to our world” with some male friends who have expressed some version of “I try, but it’s so difficult to think about how my words/actions might affect others”. I think it’s a very good way to illustrate how unfair the situation has been for women up until now. It’s also

‘It was only after some of her male friends “interjected with their disbelief”’

Do these dudes also say, “no homo” any time they express appreciation for a male colleague?

It shows what the CDC has been researching, but I’m not seeing what hospitals are doing RIGHT NOW to address this. There are behaviors that doctors could change RIGHT NOW in how they work with patients.

This is something the medical field has absolutely failed to address in any way.

For sure, the average “modern man” could really use an education in the differerence between intent and perception. No matter how noble or innocent your intent you can not control or dictate someone else’s perception of your action. To some guys staring at a beautiful woman is them saying I think your so beautiful I

Very sorry about your mother. I lost mine 12 years ago and no, you don’t ever stop missing her every single day.

My mom had a stroke. Only she walked around stroked out for over a week because the doctor told her she had a flu or some kind of equilibrium problem. She recovered, but she could have died or been permanently damaged. They didn’t take her symptoms seriously. She kept going back to the doctor until she happened to get

It is also true that if Serena was a man she’d be listened to more readily. Women of colour really do get such a raw deal in this world.