
Are you kidding? I liked Hillary, but her time is over. It’s time to get someone new. 2018 is going to be the democrats to lose, and assuming they don’t act like complete idiots, maybe we can get a decent majority in congress. It’s time to start getting new candidates ready for running in 2020.

This is a great example of why “The President has the power to do X” doesn’t mean the same thing as “The President can do X for whatever reason he feels like.” Fundamental to the modern administrative state is that the Executive’s power is not unlimited; a decision cannot be “arbitrary and capricious.”

Here’s my list:

I SAID okayish, not “my plans for dinner as an adult human who can buy food at a grocery store”.

That Apple HR mess made me cringe and she still got let go. I wonder what she’d do differently if she could go back and have the support of other black folks in the room and the knowledge that her actions wouldn’t jeopardize her job.

Companies can avoid all this damage to their brands by having multiple black folks in each step of the decision making. And I say multiple because it can be hard for POC to feel comfortable voicing dissent in a sea of white people without worrying about the security of their job. Also, we are not a monolith, as you’ve

I think they just should’ve chosen pink. Any pink. Anyone of any colour or age or whatever can find some shade of pink that looks nice (you’d have your Lupitas in hot pink and your Saoirses in blush and your Meryls in rose) and the women would have had a variety of dresses to choose from. The MEN would have had to

Your opinion is very relevant. Don’t let them patriarchy make you feel irrelevant.

Men are so fucking gross

Correct. But then again, that is exactly what I thought they’d do: absolutely nothing.

But... but.... but.... men can’t win! Women are so mean to men now! How can they put themselves on there just to get verbally beaten? You’re so unfair!!!1! /s

I support you in contacting the restaurant. I support you in leaving a Yelp review, if you want to be public.

My Father in law had an Israeli tank pull into their front garden, and evict them with 15 minutes notice. So, I guess I’ll call your bullshit, and replace it with my family history. BTW, they still own that land, and kicked 80% of the family out of the country.

I’ve gotten called antisemitic for saying we shouldnt burn Palestinians alive with white phosphorus.

I don’t know how any celebrity can navigate it and NOT come out with the fuzzy end of the lollipop, as it were.

Looks like that ass...

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

It all hinges on whether Gary Busey’s paternity test comes back positive or not.

I can. Not myself, oh no no no. But somewhere out there, there is someone who finds him attractive, I’m sure.