Do it in writing, so you can calmly get the details out. Also, a letter will cut off the “hysterical woman” bullshit at the pass, in a way a phone call would not. Use proper but not prissy language, no slang or informal phrasing.
Do it in writing, so you can calmly get the details out. Also, a letter will cut off the “hysterical woman” bullshit at the pass, in a way a phone call would not. Use proper but not prissy language, no slang or informal phrasing.
The subsequent feeling of angry impotence, having one’s boundaries’ violated and feeling unable to speak up is one that I know so well. We’re never taught how to claim our appropriate boundaries in the moment, so, generally speaking, we shut down and stifle, and then later often direct our anger against ourselves.
Sigh, alright. If you’d rather not bond with women in the workplace, that’s your prerogative. I have had people tell me that they’d rather not include women at all in certain work events or clubs because it will inevitably end up with things “getting messy”, and I think that’s a shitty way to think about 51% of the…
Look, if you can bond with men without fucking them then you can bond with women without fucking them. Not every woman is or should be a potential romantic partner.
I snorted:
Dude, maybe don’t treat women in the workplace as potential romantic relationship material, full stop. It’s okay to be cordial and professional to women. A man and a woman can interact for things OTHER than a relationship that will turn romantic. If you can treat a fellow dude coworker as a platonic friend, you can…
I have fully embraced bitchiness. It’s my baseline naturally, but recently I realized that I’ve been overcorrecting for some time. I kept getting engaged with and, like, caught up in fucking weird ass conversations with weird ass people... which honestly I’m not used to because I can apparently be intimidating? Thus…
There is a café in which I enjoy reading; it is quirky and bohemian. Which, in the Bay Area, can often mean that it attracts a certain cohort of Baby Boomer males whose apex in life was Woodstock, and who have never quite gotten over their lost youth. Believing that they are still sexual dynamos, their main hobby…
I’ll never understand how these morons manage to turn a bunch of women saying, “Don’t grab us or show us your dicks without being asked to” , into nobody can ever interact with women or they’ll be accused of harassment.
Obviously I’m not a professional athlete but I did work out most of pregnancy and I was STUNNED how long it took to get back my old strength. Growing a person f’s up your body.
It’s ok, girl. It’s only been four months! Take all the time you need to get back to where you want to be.
“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”
But why is that dog so dramatic?
The reason they put up with the colorful choir director is because the choir director is usually in the closet, and as long as he’s in the closet it’s fine. The second he tries to be who he is, there will be a shunning.
I was raised in a primarily atheist household so I have never been subjected to the kind of indoctrination that so many people undergo. Too many atheists dismiss the religious as idiots rather than people who have been misled. I greatly admire anyone who can break themselves free of a system of delusion, it must take…
I bet Stephanie has voted Republican because of abortion and probably thinks that Bill Cosby is being framed.
“We are no more obsessed with race than...Jezebel is obsessed with the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote”