
If the article were endorsing the stigma surrounding plastic surgery, or supporting the underlying way our culture associates certain features with being better or more manly, then your argument might have something to it. It isn’t. It was, rather, making fun of the ridiculous lengths a business has gone to in order

Making it less uncomfortable for men to get cosmetic surgery sounds entirely reasonable. Decorating your medical office with sports memorabilia and naming your treatment rooms things like the Bear’s Lair, as the linked article describes, is ludicrous and also seems it plays into the culture of toxic masculinity. If

Holy shit, what a bunch of insecure children.

Yeah also did you hear the news apparently we need to nicer to men now and that’s been the problem all along hahahahahahaha

I beg your pardon. My pussy is the most toned part of me (heh).

In addition to the one in Gowanus as cited above, there’s a second similar facility nearby that is primarily an archery range but also offers not only axe throwing, but knife throwing as well.

This dude is a simp ass motherfucker. Trash ass, don’t disrespect that sister. I’m glad I wasn’t on that flight and came across that. I would have fucked him up.

These are both incredible but OMG HOW CUTE IS TINY TIMBER!

I’m sorry she needs to have security at this point. Preferably paid for by this creep for stalking her.

Supporting evidence that the whites are garbage.

Also shame on all the people that couldn’t be bothered to vote for Hillary for “reasons”. Better?

But it’s Obama who is gonna take your guns away and declare martial law.

If 45 declares a fascist dictatorship, I will “told-you-so” the internet until they find and kill me.

Remember when people laughed at us when we said this administration would move to fascism and destroy democracy in the US?

What does a racist Smokey The Bear and wildfire poster even look like?

The owner can’t even understand why it is offensive. And why it’s all on how you display it.

I live in Portland, Oregon, and near the neighborhood of one of the 3 branches of the former “Coon Chicken Inn.” In an act of artistic revenge in 2006, an African American man, Ernest “Clyde” Jones bought the old place and turned it into a haven for R & B, Funk, and Jazz, with music and dance every night and fabulous

I am convinced caucasians are alien beings.

These things should be preserved and shown in historical context: museums would have docents to answer questions and documentation to explain their significance to the American experience.