
There’s something about the name Chad that I associate with being a shitty person. Maybe that’s not fair to the Chads of the world. When I hear the name Chad, I just picture a guy who played lacrosse at college, likes to reminisce about his HS QB days, and spent most of his Friday evenings from age 18-27 trying to

We don’t really WANT President Pence, but he’s a less dangerous alternative. Most of the gridlock in congress right now isn’t going to disappear with the ouster of Trump.

I’m always surprised by the inability to see nuance. You can dislike someone, and still disagree with how they are treated. I can Deeply Dislike Goop and Paltrow, but ALSO unequivocally say she doesn’t deserve to be sexually harassed. These are two things that can happen! At the same time! I don’t have to like someone

I work in automotive, and my department is mostly female employees. I handled some of our new hire training, including our “professionalism” section. It is extremely outdated, and mostly goes through dress code, expenses, and handling gifts from clients. I added a section on handling sexism in the workplace, because

I’ve been commenting fairly regularly on Jez and related sites for at least a couple years. When Kinja changed it’s algorithms or whatever and I went gray I was never able to get back out.

I have a tendency towards humor in the face of awfulness, so there have absolutely been times where I’ve made jokes and out of context it just makes me look like a total shit person.

I think our desire to dismiss all apologies, after decades of shitty public “I’m sorry if...” is valid, but we also need to give a little bit when those apologies are genuine.

Twitter is full of angry white boys swearing off Eminem forever. “I never liked him anyway” “he sux!”

This inability to relate to the experiences of others when we haven’t experienced the same thing is why we can’t have nice things.

I don’t usually get obsessive about celebrities but I FUCKING LOVE TERRY CREWS. He is a true treasure. I want to punch the fuck out of the stupid little twat that assaulted Terry Crews.

The number of downright abusive and deplorable men in the film and TV industry is staggering.

My friend was followed by a white guy a few years ago for several blocks, and it seemed based on her story that he definitely had some ill intentions, but she walked into a bar and he left.

A lot of people in my neighborhood respond to crime with “that’s why I have a gun/CCW/etc.”

There was no arguing, but glad you’re reading comprehension is top notch.

I’m less optimistic, but we can hope.

There’s a scene in Sense8 where the masculine action movie Mexican actor experienced a Korean woman’s period (without knowing what it is) and he’s in the car, sobbing to his partner that he’s dying of cancer. It is SO funny to me.

I was at the airport bar a couple weeks ago when a young woman realized she left her wallet in the car. She left ALL HER THINGS at the bar (it was in Iowa) and ran to her car to retrieve it. A handful of men were there and they were all trying to figure out how she got to the airport bar without it.

Oh yeah. GOP is a bunch of hypocrites without a single leg to stand on. I honestly think they’re just hoping if they scream about Harvey long enough we will forget about the PA mother fucking anti-choice dickweasel who tried to get his mistress an abortion.

“I disagree with how you are using the anthem to protest so I’m going to use the anthem to protest your protest and it’s okay because I’m white.” -White Supremacy

You’re right regarding the difference between a donor and a party leader. However, everything I’ve read points to this being one of those cases that everyone KNOWS about, but didn’t talk about. I have a really hard time believing the people who took his money didn’t know about his history of sexual harassment. They