I could absolutely see a skit where a parade of famous, rich, hollywood men parade around sexually harassing women while perched on a Democratic pedestal called “Women’s Rights.”
I could absolutely see a skit where a parade of famous, rich, hollywood men parade around sexually harassing women while perched on a Democratic pedestal called “Women’s Rights.”
Your generalized comment about men desiring to control women thrown in at the end doesn’t negate the previous specific statements made about rape being about sex.
Rape is not sex, but about power and control. If all they wanted was sex, they WOULD move on to the next willing participant.
MAYBE this is just me, but does anyone give 4 flying flucks what men wear on red carpets? Sure, there are a handful of interesting cis-male fashion choices floating around on the red carpets, but primarily I’m here for the non traditionally male choices. AKA pretty much anyone BUT Ryan Gosling. I enjoy a good…
and by garbage, you mean great! Aren’t we great!
the horror!
“We all bleed red”
I’m far more entertained by this drama than I could ever hope to be by a SATC 3.
Franklin Township is a pit of racist garbage. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/09/19/ohio-firefighter-one-dog-is-more-important-than-a-million-african-americans/?utm_term=.7804e1cef1a4
I don’t know enough about the Alabama primary here, but what are the chances that Trump’s support of the other candidate pushed people to vote for Moore? I wonder how much of Moore’s vote was “F the establishment, give me the most racist guy” vs “F Trump, I’m voting for the other guy.”
I think the thing with horse people, is that the bad ones are just SO BAD.
I re-read it a few times and I think the 5 partners was during the time they knew each other but were not dating? The one year timeframe?
I was talking to a friend who LOVES Thanksgiving about the honest history surrounding that holiday. I told her that I don’t hate turkey day, or think we need to STOP the holiday, because it’s (for many people) morphed into a holiday that’s mostly about getting together with friends/family. However, I DO think we…
Yep. Fuck that sick infant! That American citizen doesn’t need any parents.
I do not deal with helplessness very well, so if I’m in a situation where I feel like I can DO something I’ll react quickly, but if I’m not, I’ll just stand and cry like a dummy. I watched my dog get hit by a car, and I literally just stood at the side of the road and screamed until my roommate yelled at me (like…
Here is an interesting look at why there are so few teens in the labor force (hint: blame the baby boomers!) http://www.npr.org/2017/06/07/531945471/why-have-american-teens-stopped-looking-for-summer-jobs
I’ve found at times I am very effective in a life-or-death situation and also times where I just stood there and screamed. I’ve had a few near-death experiences; one time I jumped into action and probably saved myself a world of (more) pain, and another time I just ended up face-down on the ground and couldn’t even…
Some pranks are funny!! I think of The Office for examples: jamming desk drawers so they only open 4 inches, making up fake families on your day off, and so many more. Scare-pranks, though, they can fuck right off. Do not jump out at me if you’re not prepared to get elbowed in the face.
Because the police REGULARLY dismiss, disregard, ignore, discourage, etc. etc. when people go to them to report sexual assaults.