
...she’s 23?

Interesting. I think restorative justice could be helpful in MANY situations, but it’s certainly not effective in all situations.

Fair enough on the first point.

She reached out again I think a year or two later and I was like LOL girl no.

You’re assuming all disagreements are worth working out, though.

Yeah but there are also a lot of people out there who want to treat people like shit, then have a “heart-to-heart” and repeat.

I thought the same thing!

Well. Her motto was “I have birth to you so you and your body belong to me” which, once I was older, was squashed pretty hard. Aka “I am not your property, I am my own human person with thoughts and feelings and right now I feel like you need to fuck right off” sort of thing.

My mom used to grab my feet and tickle me when I wasn’t paying attention and I kicked her once. It was not intentional, but a reaction to having a body part grabbed while you’re deep in a good book. It was a glancing kick to the side and I had been putting up with this for years, politely and desperately asking her

I’m generally against non-consensual touching of ANY kind but if you tickle me I WILL fucking LOSE IT.

Would it have been better if it had been more inclusive? Yes! But I don’t look to cheesy pop music for high-quality feminist anthems.

But remember when Clinton has a pretty serious health issue and almost passed out once?! Obviously Trump is the stronger, steadier, healthier of the bunch. She spent years doing what Trump is currently barely managing for a handful of days.

I work for a dealership supplier/vendor and I’ve seen some pretty awful things go down on both sides. I don’t think customers fully appreciate how difficult it can be (at least in the service/parts side) but a couple of my coworkers and I could write a novel about the shitty, awful, disgusting things we’ve experienced

I think they look mostly just look pretty shaken, but I guess maybe they could’ve been high.

My parents didn’t hit the raccoon; they thought there was a person breaking in and once we realized it was the neighbor’s raccoon we just called them and had them come collect him. But yeah, our friendly dog being next door all the time certainly helped lead to the demise of the raccoon, but it was inevitable really.

My neighbors had a pet raccoon named Roscoe. He escaped from his habitat, figured out how to climb and open our screen door, and thinking we had an intruder my dad walked into the dining room with a bat where he was sitting on the table, happily munching on his wallet.

I’ve also “seen” people say that the earth is flat, President Trump is a great guy, global warming isn’t real, and women/minorities shouldn’t vote, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.

I’ve met *plenty* of educated, smart racists. Doctors, lawyers, etc. It’s not an intelligence issue. I wish it was as simple as dumb vs. smart but it’s not.

I do my best to avoid listening to anything he says (I’ll read a transcript/summary, thank you very much) but for that I would tune in.

Those are pretty decent!! I have a pair of Merrell’s that have survived 3 years of almost exclusive summer wear, including a horrendously muddy music festival. But the elastic is starting to fray and they’re fine for casual dresses but I give just enough fucks to feel weird wearing them with a couple of my nicer