
This is the question that everyone is asking and I hope no one provides the answer.

This smells intentional. Whoever runs the DOE social media accounts is issuing a clear cry for help.

Listen, if you’re going to cheat, put on your big boy panties and take responsibility for it.

I legitimately just clapped at my computer. Alone. In my house. Don’t care. I’d do a standing O but my hip is unhappy with my at the moment.

Oh yeah, I absolutely get why it’s a thing, but it still makes me deeply uncomfortable. Most of the people I’ve seen sharing related memes are also in their 30's and 40's, even the local police department shared a related meme. Kids will be kids and do stupid things (and should be taught why those things are stupid,

This meme makes me extremely uncomfortable. Something about mocking a 13 year old doesn’t sit well with me.

See, the thing is, MUCH of the street art in Philly is welcomed by the businesses. It’s actually sought after. People pay for it. And while I’m currently a renter, one of the houses I almost bought (someone outbid me) has a concrete wall around the stoop. I absolutely had every intention of offering up the canvass for


Anytime a woman in our online neighborhood group mentions something remotely sketchy there are always 2-5 men who say “CONCEAL CARRY OMG” while also pointing out why their being irrational with their concern

I live in Philly and one person’s graffiti is another’s work of art. I love the graffiti in the neighborhood, it can (and does) turn an otherwise shit-hole of a junk yard concrete wall into an ever-changing work of art. Probably 10% of the street art throughout the city is unwanted, and people even pay (!!!) artists

I think the lack of consulting any and all experts during the crafting of his “executive order” is more the cause of it’s failure than the protests, but I hope they DID consider the public opinion here.

This is one tweet I can agree with Trump on. The security of our nation, rooted in democracy and checks and balances, is at stake here. We will see you in court, Trump, and watch you lose like the evil little man you are.

It also sounds like they showed up pretty close to the flight departure time. Like they strolled up 30 min before boarding and couldn’t get their NINETEEN BAGS on in time for their flight to leave.

Someone needs to tell Mr. Spicer that sometimes in winter you should buy paler makeup/foundation for when you’re less tan.

I loved the generalizations being thrown around here. I have NO doubt that Judy Garland was groped all day long, because she was a young woman, and that’s what happens.

You forgot to start your sentence with “Well, actually...”

Hahahahaaaaa YES this is everything I needed today.

Yeah people are assholes. It sucks that people do abuse handicap placards, but it happens infinitely less often that people assume.

My favorite is when people double park next to wide open parking spaces. I saw it once when some dick nugget blocked not one but TWO parking spots, in the travel lane, and turned his car off. I just don’t understand.

Exactly. I get parking can be tough, especially where I live, but there’s always somewhere else to park. Sure, you might have to walk 3 minutes but just be grateful you CAN.