
On this international men’s day, I’d like to give a shout-out to an old roommate’s boyfriend. I asked for his help carrying an Ikea dresser, still in the box, up the steps. Being a man, he *knew* how to put it together. I said he didn’t need to help, because I got it. But instead, he helped. And in true male

This is something I find interesting, and frustrating. How do you hold an honest debate with someone who consistently says false, misleading, and outrageous lies?

I like to believe (against the evidence, lol) that MOST people do believe in science, and as a whole, society is moving forward. I think the less-proven alt-medicine gets press because it’s less accepted.

And a wide range of characters. I think it would be really difficult, if not impossible to include all of that and still make a compelling movie.

Two trips= two days without pay, plus a minimum of $600 to abort a *fetus* which is a cluster of cells that are not yet a viable human baby.

She very well could be an asshole, who decided one day she didn’t want that baby and felt shoving a coat hanger into her body, causing excoriating pain to herself *as well as* the fetus-now-infant. It’s absolutely possible.

Except it’ll cost at least $650+ for an abortion, not to mention the lack of available clinics, and the 48 hour wait time that SheeshTheseNames provided.

I’ve had a few minor/moderate concussions and I sometimes struggle with remembering the word for objects, and frequently the *same* object over and over. I.e. flip chart. 80% of the time, I have to “you know, that thing on the stand you write on?” or point at it and say “whatever the fuck that thing’s called” or like

It was a REALLY great read. I have a feeling it’ll be much different that the movie, not in a bad way, but in a “must read and watch” way.

Sometimes there is a need to get somewhere quickly without alerting the alleged criminals or calling attention to themselves.

That’s a terrible idea.

UGH you’re right but a girl can dream.

I actually really wish my hair was that white, though.

Ugh. That sucks. I have another friend in SC who had a random dude walk up, slap the rainbow bumper sticker on his car, and say “Trump hates faggots.” It just breaks my heart/makes me angry at the same time.

A man shouted “DYKE” at one of my friends today. At a gas station, in the middle of the day, with several witnesses.

You forgot Pence, who thinks you can electrocute the gay away!

I’m distraught. Crushed. And disgusted.

Nothing, but it’s also not ABOUT you today.

It’s not ABOUT a large scale change in the way things are done. It’s about having a woman, a very qualified, experienced, competent woman, WOMAN, as president. As Leader of the Free World. Is about little girls growing up and believing they could be president, because a woman has done it before. That it’s not a dream

One of my friends is infamous in the neighborhood for throwing a bag of not-tied dog shit into a guy’s car after he rolled up next to her on the sidewalk, and catcalled her while masturbating.