I’d prefer to not go through that again, regardless of Trump, to be honest.
My friends and coworkers always say I’m a fountain of large amounts of random and useless information. It’s something I’ve let get to my head and basically think I’m a genius. Trivia nights have crushed that bit of cockiness right out of me.
They DO and they have been brainwashed to think it’s fraud so I think there definitely will be SOME surprised people. My biggest fear is that Trump will win and then yeah I will be surprised and shocked and mad AF.
Ours is in a senior living facility so I get to see my future.
My biggest fear is watching someone fall or get pushed onto the tracks, cause you can bet your ass I’m standing WAY BACK away from that yawning hole of death.
Yup! And don’t be afraid to google things! I switched to a Mac for the first time ever two years ago and definitely spent a lot of time googling how to do basic things.
I second the suggestion for something SUPER basic like ChromeBook. Or get her laptop set up so ALL of the extra shit is removed except maybe solitaire, the inter webs, and Word. Or a tablet+keyboard.
Looks like it’s not necessary, the strike ended!
The strike ended! Yay!
The entire generation didn’t invent computers, and while yes there are many over 50 who know computers better than I could ever hope to, I still stand by my statement.
My job involves a lot of teaching the 50+ crowd how to double click, ctrl+click, and other basic computer functions. Over and over.
There is a super PAC paying for Uber/Lyft rides. but the code is VOTEPA and you just need to know your polling location.
I can’t imagine buying ceviche off Facebook from a stranger. But then again. Trump might be president so what even is life anymore.
I wouldn’t go that far. A lot of food safety laws are in place to prevent sickness, but yeah people can use laws to their advantage.
I don’t remember the details, but it’s possible.
I agree, but a lot of times, these laws aren’t always put in place with purest of intentions.
Regardless of how he might have related to her on a father/daughter level, I find it highly unbelievable that if this had been a 30 year old man, he would’ve referred to him as a “little boy.”