
UGH. I drove 5 hours and missed the chance to see the Carlsbad caves in New Mexico, only to arrive at the Albuquerque airport and find out my connecting flight out of Chicago had been cancelled. So I was stuck in Albuquerque and could’ve just gone to see the caves. But no.

People who take forever to get off the plane on a regular day annoy the shit out of me, let alone while it’s LITERALLY ON FIRE.

4/5 of the my last flights through O’Hare were not delayed. They were just cancelled completely.

Further proof that the election is rigged.

I fly pretty often for work, sometimes weekly, and I feel safer flying than driving. A plane crash is more sensational and devastating because of the large numbers of people, but cars kill tens of thousands of people each year, and injure millions.

As a Philadelphian I have a hard time believing people in the city fell for this. The neighborhood safety group gets hit up ANY time anything remotely fishy happens. Including girl scouts knocking on doors to sell cookies.

Good on your husband!

I had a couple before I knew what it was. I just kept shrugging it off as having a weird reaction to alcohol, but now I kind of know what to expect. Luckily it’s a once or twice a year thing, but after that last one, they have me a hell of a lot more spooked than before.

I have a particularly recent one. A couple months ago I was out with a guy friend, and we were having a wonderful, lovely time dancing and drinking and being fun single people on the town. I felt a panic attack coming, and took a few minutes to hide in the bathroom, collect myself, and felt like I was good. Walked

We had one burglary scare growing up, like mom convinced there was an intruder (there was) and started hollering to my dad while barricading herself in front of our (the kids) doors. When my dad ran upstairs to confront the burglar (WHY DID MY PARENTS NOT CALL THE POLICE?!) he ran into the kitchen and threw on the

Off to spend the next 20 minutes of my life watching Key and Peele vids thank you for an excellent start to this friday!

Sounds like it’s time for Periods for Pence to be “Periods for Abbott” so his administration is well informed of all of the Texas women’s monthly cycles.

Same. I was donating to Wounded Warriors I think but after the last anti-abortion debacle in Texas I switched to PP of Greater Texas.

I think it’s also a bit different when it’s a sport* vs a culture. I don’t get all out of sorts when people pick up a tennis racquet and pretend to hit a few balls.

That looks scary as a mother fucker. Jesus. But yes, as long as I’m not awake for the octopus needle monster to operate.

I listened to a really interesting podcast recently (cannot remember what it was) where they were saying that the outrage is because they’ve been slowly crafting this base for YEARS, and Trump swooped in and stole them from the GOP. They’ve got no one but themselves to blame. This is the hate and policies they’ve been

The only surprising part of this story is that it wasn’t America. Although, now that I think about it, the knife not being a gun should’ve been the key that it happened in a foreign country.

If women came forward with their assaults more frequently, this would hopefully happen less. But before that can happen, those that DO come forward need to be believed and treated like real people who’ve been attacked and not lying liars.

I had the same reaction, and decided to reduce my guilt by crediting autocorrect to many of the mistakes.

This was literally the first thing I saw this morning and it was the best morning I’ve had in a LONG time.