
Please take your “not all men” and GTFO. Until *MORE* of these “civilized human males” stop bitching about their rights, and “not all men”ing women every time we complain about being marginalized, assaulted, harassed, murdered, beat, etc. I feel no reason to add the OBVIOUS qualifier of “some.”

My immediate response was “oh hell no guilty AF.” Only a sleazy, raping bag of dicks would try that defense.

I’ve read several of her books and just really, really love her. She’s a great Author and also a badass.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Michelle Obama debate Trump. I know she’s not running for President, but, still.

All those other kinds of people don’t matter to the GOP electorate, so they don’t care. They need white women to vote for the GOP, so now they have to be outraged.

I did not know who Billy Bush was until this story broke, and what I’m upset about most is that I can never go back to not knowing about Billy Bush. Sure, it’s possible that at some time in the future I would hear about him, but it’s also entirely possible I could’ve lived my entire life Billy Bush-free. Trump, a

Of course they do! But a woman should also be held accountable for bragging about assaulting a man, rather than having it called “locker room talk.” Next.

Nice try, but Hilary hasn’t bragged about sexually assaulting another person. Next.

Why men think they should talk to OTHER men about their shitty attitude towards women always astounds me. “We have a problem with women not liking us! Let’s all get together in our boy’s club and try to figure out why.”

Because this is even scarier than Trump. It’s easier to look at ONE man and say that he alone is a bad person, than to look at all those people supporting him and try to come to terms with that.

I want feminism to stop being cool. These companies, paying women less than men, not offering maternity leave or paid sick leave, not making clothes in sizes over 12 all while flouting their “feminism” in ads trying to convince the world they’re Totally Into Women Power. Stop pretending you give a fuck in the name of

My sister is naturally very thin, plus she exercises regularly, eats pretty well, etc. All on the span of a couple months she gave birth to her 3rd kid, became a single mom, got thrown down a flight of stairs, and was told our mom had 6 months to live (which was not true people like to lie about THE WORST FUCKING

This happened to me once by a stranger at a bar and I was raged AF. I also knew the bouncer and 280lb college football player and he found himself face down on some concrete. It’s the only time I’ve ever taken a swing at someone.

I was actually really annoyed when they kept asking whether or not the debate moved voters to the other candidate. No? Of course not! We aren’t going to move Trump supporters to Clinton or the other way. But what about these pieces of shit who still, STILL haven’t decided?

Sorry, I forgot to change my handle to Captain Obvious, Bad at Jokes.

Would you say she’s... blunt?

I really don’t think so. He doesn’t appear healthy enough for that, at all.

I was eating brunch and some guy walked in in a home made t-shirt. It said “capitalism is cannibalism” and said science is nonsense. That humans coming from monkeys is less believable than god creating people. My brain exploded.

Because politics isn’t about long term. It’s all about money, me me me, NIMBY, right now. They need to get elected, and the way to do that is to focus on now.

I wish you wouldn’t sully the good name of bocce ball.