
Honestly, she’s too good for politics. Not like “all politicians are evil” or whatnot, but like, we don’t deserve her. We haven’t earned Michelle Obama. Maybe one day, sure, but if anything about this election holds true, is politics would be wasted on her.

I was non-gray for one whole day. It was a beautiful day.

I think it depends on the motivation for the eating disorder. If it’s anorexia/bulimia, it’s more likely it’s a body-image issue, whereas if we’re talking about living on “water and sunlight” it might be more of a purity/cult-like mentality. Which if that is the case, it’s more likely she would push her desire for

I still can’t get over 1999. BORN IN 1999. This is what old feels like.

I have to Urban Dictionary almost everything and I got this instantly. Like, months ago. Seriously.

This happens in our neighborhood, too. Except we live in the city. Like IN the city. This happens even if it’s KIDS. Where white people always this afraid or is this a new thing?

Our list-serv went straight to the “the second I see a clown I am shooting first and asking questions later!”

Like, I can intelligently agree with you here. I *know* these things. But my emotional response to spiders does NOT jive with what I know is factually true.

They were in the apartment, not on the street, at a cafe, or a club. It’s perfectly reasonable to assume the dude needed/took a break. Which, if they keep him on, I’m guessing he will be much less included to do in the future. He probably feels guilty enough as it it without the entire world blaming him, too.

Watching the video of Rihanna above makes me never, ever want to be famous.

Frankly ALL of these things seem completely possible to have thought throughout an armed robbery. Absolutely to 1 & 2, as someone who has been in a life-or-death situation, yup to 3 & 4 (#4 is adrenaline and panic) and ??? to #5. Frankly, she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would be “cool” in an emergency, so

I’d be shocked if she WASN’T thinking she might get raped. I think 90%+ of women getting car jacked will wonder if the fucker doing it will try to rape them. This is called being a woman, not being an attention whore.

That being said, the rights of the victim should take precedence over that of the accused. There are many options available, requiring the student to switch to an online program, temporarily, to restrict hours on campus, etc.

The lawsuit was whether or not the school followed it’s own “Code of Conduct” when expelling the student, which means that yes, the court CAN tell the school they’re not allowed to expel him. If Brown had a better process, and followed their own rules, this probably wouldn’t have happened, but here we are.

Universities should not be handling criminal investigations. It’s ridiculous. There has to be a way where a university can work WITH the local law enforcement to assist in an investigation, as well as put policies in place to protect victims, without violating any rights.

I think anyone on the receiving end of bullets should rightfully fear for their lives. Although the training should’ve kicked in and the shooting stopped when the kid threw the gun and ran.

We all deserve our day in court. Police should not be responsible for deciding whether someone lives or dies. I’m not arguing that the police had a right to return fire, and I am grateful the kid is still alive. Although I doubt the justice system will do him any good, with regard to reform.

I believe it’s because people WANT to believe it, not because it’s actually believable. However, my clumsiness has a few times caused people to gently question if I was seeing someone and if that someone maybe was kinda hitting me. I’ve said a couple times that I appreciate their concern, but that my injuries are

You’re right in that as a white person, I am afforded a certain luxury, which I try to leverage when possible. I was being polite in an effort to change minds, because I felt these people weren’t beyond redemption. I was hopeful that using the rapport I’ve built I would be able to help them see a different

I spent several months hoping that with polite discussions and honest conversations I could make a difference. I made an effort to contradict immediately anytime they said things, and it made a difference with one person, although I don’t think they’re quite there yet. The other... well... I stopped making an effort