As someone who has spent all of my adult life trying to keep myself sane in the midst of a messy, sometimes toxic family, this is much easier said than done.
As someone who has spent all of my adult life trying to keep myself sane in the midst of a messy, sometimes toxic family, this is much easier said than done.
Same person: “Don’t judge all cops because a few are bad!” “if only 2 skittles in a whole bowl might kill you KEEP OUT ALL IMMIGRANTS CAUSE ONE MIGHT BE MEAN TO ME”
Children usually have to pay for their parents mistakes. It sucks that she’s doing it so publicly.
I like to believe Tiffany’s idea of helping to Trump Campaign is helping it crash and burn.
Unfortunately the people who believe both statements are usually one and the same.
This. It’s often the people who insist that if “these people” (the people getting shot by cops but almost always also implies black or hispanic or generally non-white people) just followed orders, they wouldn’t have been killed. While flying the “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, and declaring that the government can take…
I got honey on my fingers a couple weeks ago when making english muffins and that shit is impossible to get off. It’s like delicious glue.
We were sharing sexual harassment at work stories one day after a team dinner. One of the coworkers said she’s never experienced sexual harassment, because she “sets the tone right up front.”
How dare someone prepare to talk about things related to being a president! Presidents don’t prepare! They have people for that. #falsefact
This is what nieces and nephews are for. Unfortunately they’re not really a choice you get to make.
Please tell me this is fake.
I heard it in a true Fishtown, Philadelphia accent, so yes I hope so.
I travel a lot for work and to visit family, and rest stops stress me out so much in the summer. You’re not allowed to bring the dog in, but it’s hot AF outside. You could tie him to a table outside, but it’s also hot AF and there’s never a shady spot. Add in the fact that strangers are milling around, and it’s right…
Because sometimes you realize after driving 3 hours that you forgot dog food, and there isn’t a pet store anywhere near the hotel, so you stop on the way to the hotel.
As a person who resides in Philly I giggled so hard at this.
I believe it’s a plain gray tee, so it comes at a $25 discount over the $100 white tee*.
I would find this slightly less odd if it were in LA or NYC but... Philly?
I hope once you realized who it was you got in one last thwack.
YUP. It’s like from birth women are told that at ANY MOMENT they might be snatched off the street and had Horrible Things done to them. “If you’re lucky, they’ll ONLY rape you!”