He’s following the rules. He’s allowed to take the entire lane, and depending on the state, the cars passing him are required to give at least 3-4 feet passing space.
He’s following the rules. He’s allowed to take the entire lane, and depending on the state, the cars passing him are required to give at least 3-4 feet passing space.
I’ve seen 4 cars this year run red lights this summer, and I see more cars than not roll or ignore stop signs.
It’s less the momentum, than actually being able to get through a stop sign. I always stop for red lights (because I’m not a dick) but coming to a complete stop at a stop sign causes a surprising amount of traffic issues for me on a bike and everyone on a car. At stop signs I slow down, look all ways, and proceed if…
I agree that people on bikes should not be dicks about it, I would also like to point out that a lot of drivers are pretty big dicks about life, too.
I was on board in the sense that if someone wants an orgasm and decides this is the way to go, by all means this should be an option. Not for me, but you do you.
The condition? Yes. Every tiny illness? I don't need a fucking press release every time the president gets the sniffles.
Absolutely. And the stuff that is unpopular but needs to get done (tax reform, infrastructure spending, prison reform, etc.) keeps getting pushed off to the next guy because no one wants to do it and risk not getting elected. They don’t even see that because all their focus is on getting elected next time, and not…
It’s funny how she says to plan around maternity/paternity leave. Isn’t that what the Italian platform has been and look where they are now? Basically begging/shaming women into getting preggo.
Exactly. My guess is also no, as she depicts unmarried sex as diseased and scary. Also unpure, and as you pointed out somehow lacking in integrity.
Also possible!
In the full context of the post, it doesn’t sound nearly as bad. Basically these workers sit on their stoop every morning and block the entrance to their home. One of the workers called her a pain in the ass after being asked to move. I read it in the same way I texted my friend and said I wish I could throw something…
It was related to the comment I was replying to, and she specifically says “I am living the life that feminists throughout history have fought for.” Whether or not she lists out the ways in the article, she HAS benefited in a lot of ways, including when and how to have or not have sex.
They might still be considered old maids, but she isn’t forced to live at home or have a chaperone. I get your point, but I think it’s silly to think that this one decision she made about sex or no sex means she hasn’t benefited in any way or “doesn’t need” feminism. Feminism has given her a LOT more freedom in every…
Yeah. I was like... DANG couldn’t do but good for you oh wait so I’m a dirty irresponsible slut yeah sure probably but don’t call that shit feminism.
Yes, but it would be much harder to be accepted in society then compared to now. 32 year old unmarried virgins were looked at as “old maids” and generally viewed as undesirable and unwanted by men, not as a choice freely made by the woman in question.
She is living the life that feminists throughout history have fought for, because feminism should mean that a woman can live her life on her own terms. She’s living the feminist dream, of choosing when to marry, and when to have sex, even if that means never.
This halloween I’m going to put on bro-face and dress like Jason Aldean.
A second shooting at the school occurred when one law enforcement officer accidentally shot another officer. The downed officer was also taken to Big Bend hospital and is expected to recover.
I see where your confusion came from. Unfortunately, it won’t let me edit to provide more clarity. Oh well.
I woke up this morning feeling happy and confident it was Friday. Decided to celebrate the start of the weekend by getting breakfast and working in a local coffee shop. Spilled coffee all over me, and said “well at least it’s Friday.” The barista looked at me with such pity and said “... it’s actually Thursday.”