I think it’s good to know it happened, but this is definitely beating a dead horse.
I think it’s good to know it happened, but this is definitely beating a dead horse.
As opposed to McChicken sandwiches.
Well, I’m curious to know what kind of females he’s penetrating. Female cats? Female hamsters? Female goats? Female humans? Maybe that’s why he’s having such problems.
I had high hopes but I’m unimpressed.
Anna is correct by using female reporter, when describing a noun you would say male or female. A male reporter, a female reporter, etc. You wouldn’t say a man reporter, so why should we say a woman reporter? People generally don’t qualify a noun for men, because it’s generally assumed to me a man.
I love those colors on people that are not me. I have a few friends that can pull them off and she looks AMAZING but I feel like I would just look sad.
DEFINITELY NOT. No way. Also I am super pale but also VERY red. Not a good look.
That blue lip color looks awesome on her.
He was, which is why he’s now in a consulting role. It’s more under the radar, and if he continues to have legal problems (we can only hope!) and more women come forward with allegations, they can shrug and say he’s not actually employed by Fox, he’s just consulting.
Oh I’m 100% positive he’s feeling some of this. He’s probably really angry that Fox “gave in” to the demands of the “female agenda” (I feel like he would call it that.) He’s hired a lawyer so I’m SURE he’s going to try to punish someone for ruining his reputation. I’m certain he feels no guilt, or responsibility for…
Fox: We’re real sorry this chick was not treated with respect, here’s some dollars, thanks for those nice legs, doll!
Unfortunately, he will absolutely work again. the article even states he’s *still* working with Fox, albeit in a consulting role. This will probably not really impact him all that much, in terms of day-to-day and income.
They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. So many people cried about the violence during the BLM protests. ‘Protest but protest peacefully!’ ‘If you want respect you can’t riot or block streets’ etc. etc.
Honestly I feel like we kind of deserve it, what with all of the mass killings off of bees and all. Payback for South Carolina Zika sprays?
Right. I mean, I can mentally tell myself the entire time that I am okay, but it’s like the connection between my body’s response and my mental understanding are not working.
I had a panic attack while out with one of my friends, who had NO experience with them what so ever. He asked later what it felt like, and I explained that it felt like that moment after getting the wind knocked out of you, and you take that first breath. You know you’re going to breathe again, but that doesn’t help…
Vote for whatever candidate tickles your pickle, and stop crying about people trying to get you to vote for one of the top candidates. Literally the entire point of a campaign is to convince people to vote for one person or the other. Are we all sick of it? Yes. You’re not special.
I love the addition of the “nevertheless” like... in spite of her appearance, SHOCKINGLY she still managed to be a person with an enjoyable personality.
Philly is great! Thanks for proudly representing the city.