
Being a genius and smart decision making skills aren’t always the same. He’s 12 and in college, so I’ll give him a pass.

I bought 3 apples, half a watermelon, and two limes today and that was expensive.

It works. I was doing 3 different jobs in one, and had been asking for a title change and a raise. For MONTHS. They gave me an offer (2% raise fuck you) and no title change. I said that was unacceptable and my boss basically said that was as good as it was going to get.

Counter CounterPoint: Be less cool and have fewer friends so you don’t have to have a dinner party.

Lena, girl, fix that posture. It's bad for your back.

One of the beautiful things about America is you can pretty much sue whoever you want. And by beautiful I mean awful.

My sister only regrets 1/3 of the names, and that name was picked by Dad.

My neighbor’s dog is named Maynard. She’s a super sweet, old black lab. I always thought it sounded more like a “boy’s” name but it seems to fit her.

Because the cost of accompanying a kid is not cheap, let alone the time involved too. I’ve seen a handful of unaccompanied minors at airports and it’s generally pretty intense. Someone from the airlines is generally with them at ALL times.

This is what really got me about the entire day yesterday. Make Mexico Great Again Also?

Because these parents aren’t ALREADY blaming themselves for something that is absolutely not their fault, this Fogle guy decides to sue them. AWESOME. I hope he loses and then has to turn around and give them more money.

Just started using Coola and I’m a fan! I got a free sample of their after-sun recovery lotion, and as a skeptic I did not believe any of the claims what so ever. But then I used it and my painful sunscreen was 80% less painful within a few hours. I figured, FLUKE, so I used it like 3 more times and each time it was

The benefit of riding 3-4 wide is they take up less length of space, making the possibility of passing safer and faster. Instead of having 2-3 car lengths with 3-4 bikes, you have 1-2 car lengths with 3-4 bikes.

Light, sound, same difference!

I don’t think candid means what she thinks it means.

I hope they choose to donate his organs. This disgusting, evil piece of human terrorized, brutalized and murdered a woman out of a need for selfish possession. He doesn’t deserve to take his organs to the grave.

Juries aren’t perfect and sometimes get it wrong. I’m NOT saying that was or wasn’t the case here, just a fact.

Hugging is BIG at my company and I HATE IT. There are maybe 3 coworkers who have become good friends that I don’t mind but won’t initiate hugging. Everyone else can handshake or die.

I showed up to a tennis meet up not long ago, and all of the women were in actual tennis outfits. The skirts, the tennis tops, visors, etc. I rolled up in a t-shirt and capris with pockets. One woman actually refused to talk to me. Even though we were playing on the same court. Bitch this isn’t a Country Club, you’re

It depends, but often *someone* involved could use the money. At the more prestigious shows, there’s the rider, the trainer, and the owner. The owner is usually the one with the $$$$ and depending, the prize may get split between the rider and/or the trainer and/or the owner.