You’re right, of course, but I also agree with Ken. They’re not caused by Lupus, they’re just part of the stress of a severe and debilitating illness.
You’re right, of course, but I also agree with Ken. They’re not caused by Lupus, they’re just part of the stress of a severe and debilitating illness.
That woman cackling next to him is EVERYTHING.
I believe I read recently that the shift away from self-checkout is people are a lot more willing to shop-lift if there’s not a person scanning your stuff.
Obama is only trying to take guns from WHITE people. He’s letting everyone else terrorize the TRUE (aka white) Americans.
“Correlation does not imply causation” i.e. if two things happen at roughly the same time, it does not mean one thing caused another.
fried egg, waffle fries, “mexican gravy” carnitas, jalapeños, and basically just a pile of whatever they have in the kitchen at the time. It’s pretty awesome, if you don’t mind consuming 2,000 calories in a single meal.
Since moving to Philly everyone assumes I just eat cheesesteaks with cheese-wiz on the regular (note: NEVER. I will not.) WHO THOUGHT OF THAT? What is wrong with them? Why is that what Philly is famously known for? Cheese should not come out of a can.
We are getting one in my Philly neighborhood and I’m having mixed feelings. We also have a “Mexican” Poutine at a taco shop and I hate myself for loving it. It’s delicious, but also not poutine OR Mexican.
I’m having mixed feelings about this whole Weiner sexting scandal.
They all do this now. I imagine it’s quite demoralizing for the flight attendants.
And all those sneaky hippies posing as conservative professors teaching at the small private religious universities.
Yeah, I think all this is still freshly open wounds, so I'm reading too much into it personally.
I know someone who is using her kids to work out unfinished business with a soon to be divorce, and I am 100% okay with that. He’s also thrown her down a flight of stairs and cracked a few ribs, so she’s threatening full custody if he sets foot in her house again. Not mad about this at all. If he wants to see the kids…
I was and still am okay with/happy to be 30/in my 30's. My 20's were kinda sucky, I was broke, unhappy and things just never went well. Some my fault, some just because life sucks.
For me I felt the pivotal ages was 28, when I woke up a few weeks after my birthday and I felt DIFFERENT. Now that I’m 30, I haven’t had that realization, but I can still feel it. The idea of dating anyone younger than 26 is just a no-go. Sorry, pretty young boys but I cannot. I did not like dating 22 year-olds when I…
If Huma had taken the kid away from Anthony she would be a Horrible Mom for forcing her son to grow up without a father.
Absolutely. In the chance it’s an open or companionate marriage, he’s still messed it up pretty big. Multiple times. One time? Sure, people are dumb and make mistakes. TWO times? Stupid. Three times, with a picture of your hard-on and your CHILD. Nope x1000.
Sounds like most of the self-described Libertarians I know.
It’s when you start to “settle” into yourself. I turned 30 this year and I think back to who I was when I was 26, and 22, and 20 and I’ve changed SO much. I’m sure not everyone has, and my politics didn’t change (I just became more open and active) but I’m definitely a much different, better, person.
It’s also not that unusual to make a change politically in your 20's.