
Yes!!! And if Simone Biles is “cocky” then we need a new word for assholes who scream from the mountain tops about their success and awesomeness without anything to back it up.

Yup, and I would even say she’s NOT cocky! She’s not strutting around proclaiming she’s the best or whatever. She’s just very straightforward and matter of fact. Like “I am the only person who can do this.” Fact!

I appreciate Simone Biles for her lack of faux modesty. I overheard someone say they didn’t like her because she was too cocky.

It’s harder in cases like this, but yes I agree.

a woman today apologized profusely to a man in a military uniform for not thanking him for his service right away. She then looked at me waiting for me to say the same.

I wish this was my life. I’ve accidentally become a marketing content/curriculum development writer and there is no team it’s just me swimming in the deep end with my BS in Economics wondering how I got here.

I am genuinely curious about the lies and propaganda. I attempted to do some research after seeing Blackfish, but it was pretty murky and a lot of “he said she said” on both sides.

Philadelphia :-)

Yeah road racing is brutal. It’s not SUPER common but crashing on your bicycle is kind of a rite of passage. I’ve not raced before, but I have a road bike and the tires are skinny, and rarely have any kind of tread. The speed, the downhill curve and the road striping are a pretty dangerous combination.

Yes! I was there all three nights. Gary Clark Jr. and Alabama Shakes were probably my favorite, although the giant dance party on the lawn during OCMS was pretty awesome.

I was there a couple weekends ago and was unimpressed. The setup is much different than I remembered, so maybe it was in a different spot? Not sure.

Or from that country Africa.

Bless you for this Friday gem. Seriously. Thank you.

I always make sure to run my lady decisions by a man to make sure it’s right. We can’t be trusted what with emotions and over exaggerating things.

I have ZERO doubt that Ivanka has been sexually harassed. I would put all of my pennies on it happening on the regular.

Plus, they so rarely experience sexual harassment so it’s an “outsiders perspective.”

Why would we need to hear from her when we have all these men around to tell people how she should/would handle sexual harassment?

But they're not white so he doesn't see the need to consider anything about them.

I felt that way too, until I saw a few interviews and such with him. He's not above making fun of himself, dressing like a woman and dancing, etc. that might be true of the other dudes too, but it definitely won me over.

Channing Tatum can ruin my childhood any day.