I would not say no, that’s for certain.
I would not say no, that’s for certain.
And his apology is weak. “I apologize for the way the situation escalated” is exactly how retail employees are told to apologize to customers for things they didn’t do wrong. It’s the non apology of people who don’t feel bad about whatever it was that happened.
I mean, I hate myself a little for thinking that’s an update, but... well. Yeah.
It does present difficulties, but my good friend had parents that were in their 40's and 60's when she was born (it was a surprise) and they were wonderful, loving, active parents for her. Her father passed in his mid 80's, in her 20's, and he lived longer than my dad, who was 30 years his junior.
Absolutely, and there’s still a weird bit of incest that is not necessarily “wrong” but it’s SO WRONG. This potential future kid will forever have to figure out how to explain to people how their mom is also their grandma and their dad is their grandpa, but not really because it’s a stranger. Or the kid will just be…
The link states they want to use donor sperm. But for a moment I was like “well, the grand fath-OH GOD” so I followed the link to confirm this wouldn’t end up being some special level of creepy sciencey incest.
The removal of hair doesn’t suddenly mean they look like a baby. When a man shaves his head no one is like “he looks like a newborn without his hair!!”
+1 for Old Navy, but I suggest trying everything on, depending on fabric and design sizing varies significantly. But they hold up surprisingly well for the price.
Finding a sports bra that keeps the tits in check while still allowing me to breathe is like finding the holy grail. Not fucking possible. The tits are either in danger of smacking me in the face or suffocating me, I have not been able to find a happy in between.
My guess both, but primarily functionality. It’s one thing to have a skirt with bounce, but that dress would be annoying AF to play tennis in.
The military job title change wasn’t made up by a stranger walking down the street, it was developed and changed within the military. It’s not like some woman just walked up one day and said “it’s cool that y’all have these job titles but I’ve decided to change them all.”
It’s like if their masculinity is not constantly reinforced they feel emasculated. Just be a man, without the constant need to be reminded, and everything will be okay.
Even nurse! It’s gender neutral but because it’s typically seen as a “female” profession, they’re always adding male in front of it.
I’ve definitely started saying “grow some tits” instead of “grow some balls” or “tit up” instead of “man up.”
Nope. You claim you could be called a baker for all you care but because it's about letting women into the military suddenly everyone is a crybaby? False. Someone is just butt hurt that us ladies are infringing on his Man Title.
I personally haven’t served, but I have many friends and family who have, including my father who died as a result of his service, years later.
I genuinely laughed out loud at that quote. He doesn’t even realize that the cry baby culture he’s talking about is literally himself and all the other men who can’t deal with a job title unless is quite literally has the word MAN. Maybe he would prefer if we called it the crymen culture?
Saying stupid shit isn’t exclusive to white people, but I find it extremely unlikely Trevor Noah is in charge of the Daily Show twitter account. It’s much more common for a writer for the show, a social media person, etc. to run a twitter account than the host.
Exactly. Donald Trump wants everyone to know what Donald Trump does, especially if it involves him and making it look like he’s got a lot of money, or it might get him more money. Specifically I’m thinking about maximizing tax deductions for charitable giving, something that’s a bit more difficult if you want to…
Yup. I’m also going to presume that she assumed, because they weren’t involved in the same activities she participated in, it must mean they weren’t involved in any activities.