
At the very least has said on at least 6 occasions “It’s not rape if she can’t say no!” or “It’s not rape if you yell surprise!”

You know I had completely forgot about those dudes in Women’s Studies. Thanks for reminding me.

I bought one of the dressers (there are never children in my home so I’m not even a little concerned) and a TV stand recently, and they were really insistent that it gets anchored into the wall. Nope. I’ll take the risk.

mid to late 20's, male, white, and has never knowingly, unintentionally, knocked someone up.

I know a lot of people make anonymous donations, but I am 100% certain Trump would never do a good deed without announcing it to the world and congratulating himself over and over again.

Duffy Books in Homes USA, or any charity that works to get books to kids without access to libraries or books.

And I can guarantee that Einstein didn’t make any of that shit up.

I've been having some wicked nightmares for the last week, but at least I know what is coming for me tonight.

My boss uses that line all the time and good lord I like my boss but that false insanity definition drives me up the wall.

They haven’t stopped talking about it for years and get ready for another 4 or probably 8 years more of Benghazi bullshit.

I agree. If someone actually learns something, admits they’re wrong, and puts a good faith effort into not being a dick about that specific thing, they shouldn’t have to be constantly reminded of all of their transgressions. None of this “I’m sorry if something I said offended anyone” or “I’m sorry if anyone was

The world would be a better place if people could readily admit and learn from mistakes. I’m competitive and a bit of a perfectionist, but I do my best to admit when I’m wrong. And unfortunately that happens a lot.

My favorite was when she was pressed to say whether or not anything Trump said struck her as having a racial component and her response was basically that he’s new to politics, so he hasn’t yet figured out how to not actually say what he thinks.

Thanks for admitting you sometimes say dumb things!

Nothing builds up my rage more than hearing someone telling someone to calm down.

I want to get lost in his eyes and his words and his brain.

That line killed me. I wasn’t watching the BET awards (no cable) but I clicked to watch that speech last night and it was easily in the top 10 best decisions I’ve ever made.

I prefer to believe that is what RGB/Sotomayor/Kagan initially wrote in their opinion and then after waiting the customary 48 hours decided it wasn’t appropriate and wrote their actual opinion.

It was a 5-3 fuck you to anti-abortion Texans. Not their words, mine, but still.

I did an actual fist pump, which I’ve never done before. I’ve never actually spontaneously fist pumped until this beautiful 5-3 ruling.