
I’m also allergic and can go outdoors with several friends and somehow no one else has mosquito bites and I have 23.

My personal take-away from this is to never leave the house without mosquito repellant. They are the worst.

They were originally Amish but left/were asked to leave (not sure of the specific details) the Church and became “born again Christians.”

like, #notalloakwood, blah blah, but also this is a very Oakwood thing to be sad about.


It’s like when you refuse to speak to anyone at a networking event, and then wonder why you didn’t come away with any new connections.

One of the few good things to come out of Trump’s candidacy has been the surge in minority applications for voter registration and citizenship. I hope they continue to stay involved after this election, too. There are so many politicians at a local level that aren't much better than trump that don't deserve to be in

I was out of the country last month and constantly fielded questions about trump. My response was consistently “I have hope we aren’t actually this dumb.” Which seemed to oddly reassure everyone except myself.

I wonder what the cutoff will be? If you came here 10 years ago? 30 years? At least 2 generations?

I feel like by now all the news orgs must have a mass shooting template where they just plug in the numbers, location, a few specifics and call it a day.

Ugh. You’re right. I forgot that Dylann Roof, Lewis Dear, Christopher Harper-Mercer, Adam Lanzo, and all the other white dudes were just troubled, loners. Definitely, definitely not also domestic terrorists.

Maybe we’ll finally get easier access to birth control?

I mean, we still have MONTHS and MONTHS of this bullshit.

So... free forced birth control for all Americans?

I once agreed with my old roommate’s boyfriend that she was being unreasonable (later that evening, not in front of him, but privately) and almost lost her friendship. That should’ve been the first warning sign that that particular roommate/friendship was doomed.

I just drove up I-95 in Philadelphia and there’s an electronic billboard courtesy of Palmetto State Armory that declares “Good Guys Own Guns Too” and I’m so fucking angry it hurts. Just because good guys have guns, doesn’t meant we shouldn’t do whatever we can to stop this from happening again. And if that means

A commentator “sympathetic to Trump” today on Morning Edition suggested we declare war, but didn’t specify exactly what we are declaring war against, because I imagine America declaring war on America is kind of difficult, idk.

Yes of course! Just peeping around trying to find some crime to prevent, naturally.

I prefer to let mine stick it’s head out the window while I drive around the neighborhood. We are quite the hit with the neighbors!

Yes, whatever could his intentions be, with all those weapons? Surely he just wanted to take them for a ride! Definitely not murder a bunch of people.