I’m going to speculate about her uterus all I want. Is it magic? Does it contain anti-aging hormones? Is her uterus the actual Holy Grail?
I’m going to speculate about her uterus all I want. Is it magic? Does it contain anti-aging hormones? Is her uterus the actual Holy Grail?
I agree with your gut. I don’t know what the age differences were, but I don’t think attempted rape automatically means they’re a danger to their daughter. If there are other warning signs, or if there was a very large age difference at the time of the attempt, then I might understand.
Yoga Grifters as a comedy is something I would def watch.
You’re right. We should weep over families playing with their babies and sharing cute dancing videos. It’s a national tragedy.
Let’s hope all he would’ve done is leave her behind a dumpster.
Said Lovell, “The new processes we hope will emerge from our effort will better honor victims.”
And I hope his dream was to work with kids, because at least that will be ruined for him.
He is required to register as a sex offender, which is probably the only punishment (other than losing his scholarship to Stanford) here that will actually affect him long term.
Exactly. What if those 20 minutes were someone drinking and driving and hitting his son with their car? Something tells me he wouldn’t think so little of those 20 minutes.
Well, at least we had Wednesday, I guess.
What is even more disturbing is that this isn’t a Trump thing. There is a wing of American-ism that has embraced ignorance, and revels in it. I would pretend it’s a conservative problem, but then those idiot liberal anti-vaxxers reared their rich heads and ruined both sides.
I wish I could feign surprise but honestly I'm not even a little. Of course they didn't kill him! He's running away! Oh. Wait.
“She made me do it?” Seriously. So this woman is both this dude’s “property” and also the controller of his will and actions. Goddamnit.
I think the issue isn’t necessarily that it’s cool to hate Uber, but that Uber and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are billing this as a solution to make it easier to get around. The problem being that women aren’t allowed to drive, and the easiest, obvious solution would be to allow women to drive.
I had ACL reconstruction and took the opiod based meds for... 4 days? 5? I also took half the dose every 5-6 hours instead of the 4-5. And they still worked!! There was one night I forgot to note that I took meds, so I took a second half dose, and spent about 6-7 hours trying to sleep. But I wasn’t sure if I was…
I was trying to explain to a German woman what was considered appropriate in American culture, generally talking about nakedness. I was like... Who the fck knows?! I don't. Nipples aren't cool, need to be covered. Unless an infant is attached and then that's not appropriate. None of the rules make sense.
Absolutely agree.
But I haven’t sufficiently shared my opinion yet, so I need at least 30294832 more articles to repeat myself to people who don’t care.
If I have to hear from one more person that wild animals deserve the right to live in their natural habitat, and zoos shouldn’t exist, I’m going to scream. DUH. But so many of the animals kept at zoos are there because we’ve demolished their natural habitat. Do we let them go extinct? Is that better? What about the…