
They also called the gorillas out of the enclosure and he did not comply. What else could they do? Tranquilize him and hope he doesn’t go ape-shit? (bad pun, I know.) Wait and hope he doesn’t hurt the kid? It’s not like they marched up to the enclosure and immediately shot him. This wasn’t a split second decision,

I may be misreading your comment, but I don’t think “getting raped” counts as making a mistake. She didn’t make a mistake at 14, she was assaulted, and forced to live with her abuser until another very traumatic event, a miscarriage, happened.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s mostly used for weekend rentals and such, but also super handy if you need to spend several months in a different city and don’t want to pay obscene dollars.

AirBnB can, for some, fill a void in housing that isn’t met with apartments, rental homes, hotels, etc. I have two friends that regularly rent out through AirBnB to PhD candidates here for an exchange program, medical students in a rotational residency, where they typically need a place for 2-6 months. It’s incredibly

I just hope “punished by the school” doesn’t turn into a “well, boys will be boys” talk

I guess I was part of the test group and when I saw the grand old partiers as a flavor I was like AWESOME thanks for filtering these guys out for me. Other than that the flavors sucked.

Someone else laid out the basics, but a good example would be a scenario where someone is in a violent relationship, and wants to leave. But they don’t have a car, money for a taxi, don’t live near public transportation, etc. They could conceivably call this number and get connected to resources to help them move to a

And no one was willing to stop and help.

Unlikely! That’s just what they do, although it’s extra long and think, even for a friesian! I’m guessing those locks require a significant amount of care and maintenance on the part of the owners. The waves are probably enhanced with braiding.

Yup. A couple weeks in jail and you can pretty much recover from that, usually. A year, three year, five years? It doesn’t matter how innocent you are. You’re fucked. For life. On the other side, too, think of how many tax dollars were wasted on feeding, housing, etc. that person for 5 years in jail. Now, they’re

Years. People wait years. I think I remember hearing about someone who sat in jail for 2 years and then charges were dismissed. Can you imagine? Two years in jail, no trial, no conviction, but yet your life is ruined. Obviously not related to this article, but it's pretty shitty.

1000% worth it. I can wear them every day, all day, on my feet, on concrete and not even be a little sore by the end of the day. Socks, no socks, stockings, doesn’t matter.

Raise that hand up a little higher. No shame! He’s hot. His beard needs a bit of a trim, but I’d still bang.


That beard is maybe a BIT too bushy (it kinda looks fake?), but I’m not against it.

But like, I might marry the ocean to spite Trump.

I wonder this about a lot of things, specifically recipes. Like who looked at coffee beans and said “let’s roast these babies up, grind them into a powder, and make the most delicious breakfast drink!”

At least for the dude quoted in the article, I would guess part of his kink is interacting as a “dog” with strangers. The reaction. Idk.

My friend had to haul me out of a bar after some creep kept coming up to me and grabbing me from behind. I managed to get a good shove and a few words in before a full fledged panic attack.

I work in the field, so I’m stuck in business casual while our entire office is jeans day every day and it makes me so jealous/excited when I get to go to the office and dress down.