
Or when they’re like “cover up your cleavage” and you say “so I have to wear turtle necks?”

As a short person, I salute you for wearing heels. Good for you. Tower away!

I live for my fug merrell Mary Janes. Those bitches can handle 8-9 hours of standing in front of people giving presentations all day. And they're not so bad that I won't wear them with skirts and such. But 99/100 I choose comfort over cute.

I was never a big heels gal, but would get them out on a whim (and they’re small. Maybe 2-3” tops) a few times a month. Then I broke my foot/ankle and that became a few times (literally 2-3) a year. Then I tore my acl and I tried wearing them once to a fancy awards dinner thing and nope never again.

Yup! You can also get away with way less clothing when it’s hot out and still be appropriate.

Or we could help veterans (and others) who go through a horrific accident and not assume every man ever is just out there raping all willy nilly.

My guess is the bison doesn’t spend much time actually in the house, but some animals are naturally inclined to do their business away from the place they sleep. Horses will sometimes only go in one corner of their stall, or sometimes anywhere and everywhere and then gleefully roll in it, so there’s that, too. I got

Unfortunately, you’re very right. And the one that will suffer the most is probably going to be the bison.

Fuck those people. I'm sorry that you and your sisters had to go through that, and equally sorry some jerks refuse to believe you.

Just because no one else has come forward, doesn't mean there aren't other victims out there.

*unless you’re slightly chubby and/or have boobs, then NO SKIN FOR YOU, even at prom or any of the other aforementioned times.

No way in hell would I give more than 2 weeks notice. I’ve done it before, but I know for a fact that 90% of people in my company, at a similar position as me, are let go within a couple days of putting in notice. Most likely I would give 2 weeks notice, with the expectation of spending much of that two weeks relaxing

If by prepare you mean bitch and moan for 6 months before and after, yes, they totally can.

But, but, without white people who would even go see a movie?!? Besides, science says if there’s not at least a ratio of 3:1 white people speaking parts to non white speaking parts, their collective talent cancels itself out and the movie set explodes! KA-BOOM!

At least they didn’t get any tacos.

Let’s taco bout why you’d want to date any of these drunk fools, let alone all of them.

Women, they’re basically as rare as a wolverine in America. One every 150 years, give or take.

So basically, he’s quoting himself. He’s the asshole at the end of the bar that needlessly offends. Or on he television.

This made me genuinely giggle for several minutes.

A friend of mine, who is not ugly, decided to grow a beard. And he went from not ugly to turning heads. It made such a HUGE difference. Then he shaved it off again and I was so sad for him.